PAWNO with mysql questions....

Hello, i took a break from PAWNO about 2 months ago and i started to learn languages such as PHP and Java....and i am trying to use Mysql with pawno and i want to know how i use querys in PAWNO...

I am using this include:

/* SA:MP MySQL Functions */

#if defined _sampmysql_included
#define _sampmysql_included
#pragma library lgw
native samp_mysql_connect(server[], user[], password[]);
native samp_mysql_select_db(db[]);
native samp_mysql_query(query[]);
native samp_mysql_store_result();
native samp_mysql_fetch_row(line[]);
native samp_mysql_get_field(field[], value[]);
native samp_mysql_num_rows();
native samp_mysql_num_fields();
native samp_mysql_ping();
native samp_mysql_real_escape_string(src[], dest[]);
native samp_mysql_free_result();
native samp_mysql_strtok(dest[], separator[], src[]);
native samp_mysql_close();
So you can see the functions ive got...I am trying to use samp_mysql_query("UPDATE accounts WHERE User='darren' SET User='test'"); (OnGameModeInit) but it is not updateing the row ive got with user 'darren' im asumeing it works differently on pawno or somthing??

any help on this? (basicly..i wanna know how i do queries and stuff)

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