
When ever is anyone in water on my server he go errors and after many errors he crash,,,

I think i do something wrong in my gm,,,but i dont ever remembed what did i do worng :S
weee i m Big Clucker xD

id remake your gm (lol at weee im a big cluker xD)

I m not soo pro good in english what did you told..To i give you my gm to you fix it?

i m fixing bugs at server so can anyone help me with this please?

Originally Posted by [FG
otto ]
i m fixing bugs at server so can anyone help me with this please?

one dont post like more than one message in your topic unless its ben 12 hours and just go thru your gm and get rid of the useless stuff you dont use and just recompile it

Yes i done that and still ,and i tryed change gm ...and yes problem is in gm...
But i dont know where.....

I am currently experiencing this on my gamemode.

could you perhaps send a copy of your gamemode? this way i can see what ours have in common..

it happens if you try to exit a vehicle that there is no passenger seat in but you were placed in as a passenger (ie a hydra).

perhaps you are using IsPlayerInWater ??

no, there is no isplayerinwater

it can happen anywares when you are swimming...

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