define playerid HELP PLEASE

Hi im really stumped. For a certain reason i need to use the word "playerid" in the section Public OnGameModeInit
cause i am using the function
But the problem is playerid wont work in OnGameModeInit, for some reason it needs to be defined.
So i tried fixing it by at the top of the script under main() i placed
PlayerWorld = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
new playerid;
playerid =
but i dont know what the function would be to go after playerid =
so im really screw up here. why is that some areas understand what playerid means and others dont?

OnGameMode init will be called before any players are on so why would you need GetPlayerWorld(playerid) there?

well actually sorry not actually there i thought that would have fixed it. Its meant to go in a pulblic call back i made not the ones it already comes with. and i thought maybe putting it in gamemode init will save me from putting it in each callback that requires it

Originally Posted by bluray
why is that some areas understand what playerid means and others dont?
Look at the public callback line.

For example:

public OnGameModeInit() - has no parameters.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) - has playerid defined.

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) - has playerid, killerid and reason defined.

You can use the parameters defined in the callback.


Originally Posted by MadeMan
Originally Posted by bluray
why is that some areas understand what playerid means and others dont?
Look at the public callback line.

For example:

public OnGameModeInit() - has no parameters.

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) - has playerid defined.

public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) - has playerid, killerid and reason defined.

You can use the parameters defined in the callback.

so can i just add player id in the brackets

Originally Posted by bluray
so can i just add player id in the brackets
No, you can only use those that are already there.

what about for your own created callbacks

If you make your own functions, then yes you can.

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