Who can add a swat skill and /ann command and skill on lvrcr?

Who can add SWAT skill and a /ann command on the script off lvrcr?
Or how can i do it?
Please help me!

Regard, Niels


https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/AddPlayerClass will help for adding the SWAT skin.

Look for:

public OnGameModeInit()

Somewhere under that you want to have something like:

AddPlayerClass(285,xxxx.xxxx,xxxx.xxxx,xx.xxxx,xxx .xxxx,x,xx,x,xx,x,xx); // S.W.A.T Officer

Let me break that down for you:

Once you search for

public OnGameModeInit()

in your pwn file, you must scroll past a few timers and thing and you will get to quite a few lines with lots of numbers in them.

skin - That's the 285 you can see above in my example, that's the correct ID to put in there so leave that alone.
Float:Angle - These four floats are coordinates which is where SWAT will spawn after you select it, including the angle. Do /save at a point where you want to spawn it at and you can see the coordinates for this in your San Andreas folder in a txt document.

weapon1 The first spawn-weapon for the player.
weapon1_ammo The amount of ammunition for the primary spawnweapon.
weapon2 The second spawn-weapon for the player.
weapon2_ammo The amount of ammunition for the second spawnweapon.
weapon3 The third spawn-weapon for the player.
weapon3_ammo The amount of ammunition for the third spawnweapon.

(skin, Float, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, weapon1, weapon1_ammo, weapon2, weapon2_ammo, weapon3, weapon3_ammo)

Hope this helps.

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