
Here is the code I got when I followed this tutorial:

But it doesn't work, it says hdpath is an undefined symbol.

public getINIString( filename[], section[], item[], result[] ) {
 new File:inifile;
 new line[512];
 new sectionstr[64], itemstr[64];
 new sectionfound = 0;

 inifile = fopen( filename, io_read );
 if( !inifile ) {
  printf( "FATAL: Couldn't open \"%s\"!", hdpath );
  return 0;

 format( sectionstr, 64, "[%s]", section );
 format( itemstr, 64, "%s=", item );

 while( fread( inifile, line )) {
  line[strlen( line )-2] = 0; /* Remove \r\n */

  if( line[0] == 0 ) {

  /* If !sectionfound is true, we're looking for the proper section. */
  if( !sectionfound ) {
   /* Check if wanted section is being opened. */
   if( !strcmp( line, sectionstr, true, strlen( sectionstr ))) {
    sectionfound = 1;
  else { /* Itemmode from here. */
   /* We're leaving the wanted section and didn't find the value yet.
    * So we'll never reach it. */
   if( line[0] == '[' ) {
    return 0;

   /* Have we reached our wanted INI item? */
   if( !strcmp( line, itemstr, true, strlen( itemstr ))) {
    format( result, sizeof( line ), "%s", line[strlen( itemstr )] );
    return 1;

 fclose( inifile );
 return 0;

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