Scripting Problem?

Ok, I am kind of new to scripting, and I wanted to know if you guys knew this problem. I have a command set up as /carhelp to show help for your car. The command works fine, but underneath the car help, it says that the command is unknown, I do not know why. It also says it for every command except for /help. Anyone know why?

Do you have a "return 1;" at the end of the code? If you dont know how to do it, pass me the command and I'll show you.

well I didn't have it, But I entered it and it is stills showing up.....

Here is the command for my 911, so far... not done yet
	//start /911
	if (strcmp("/911", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
	  SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000AA,"|_________________911_________________|");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00ff00AA,"Hello, This is the communications center");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00ff00AA,"Please type police, paramedic, or fire!");
		return 1;
	//end /911

Originally Posted by devteamsnDOTcom
well I didn't have it, But I entered it and it is stills showing up.....

	//start /911
	if(strcmp(cmd, "/911",true) == 0)
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xff0000AA,"|_________________911_________________|");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00ff00AA,"Hello, This is the communications center");
		SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x00ff00AA,"Please type police, paramedic, or fire!");
		return 1;
	//end /911
Try this now, the script above ^

C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas 2\server\gamemodes\NathansRoleplay.pwn(134) : error 017: undefined symbol "cmd"
C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas 2\server\gamemodes\NathansRoleplay.pwn(137) : warning 217: loose indentation

Alright, you see the "New variables" under the OnPlayercommand?

Add this with them.


new cmd[256];

Example :


public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
new cmd[256];

Then goes the rest of the code, the loose indentation is just you need to fix the line to match with the others.

Thanks, It worked.... One more thing, Do you know how to make it so that there is like a new thing like you know how it goes return 1;
can I define my own place... like 5, then if something happens, return to 5?

Er... I dont understand what you mean, If you mean if you have a ... loop running 5 times, and you want to return 5; Theres no need, just put a


at the end of the code.

I want to make my 911 command be like where you type Paramedic Police or Fire, and if you dont enter one of those, it says the 911 usage..... u know?

Plus, Now if I enter any command, the 911 command shows, like I also have /carhelp but the 911 text shows when I do that

You would have to search for that, I cant really help as im about to go to bed, also replace your command's with my command procedure?

Ex of what I mean : Replace the /carhelp command with the following command, do this for all of them.


if(strcmp(cmd, "/(Commandname)", true) == 0) // Also, please note to delete the ( ) on the command.


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