See self as CJ

Okay, I have stumbled upon a very annoying bug.

When you connect and login you see yourself as CJ, other people see you as what your skin is. (set with SetPlayerSkin)

So here I am, and I still don't have a clue where the problem is.

This has been bugging me for the past 2 days, so help would be very nice.

Post your code (or the part of the code that handles the skins) to pastebin, then post the link here.

that is not important, because I even tried putting SetPlayerSkin(playerid, 185); in OnPlayerUpdate, nothing happened, except it would keep reseting your char's animations (think of it as a GetSetPlayerPos)

Well you expect anyone to work magic with you when they haven't seen any code? lol

Sorry but, no code = no fix.

I've run into this problem too. I solved it by simply placing it under OnPlayerStateChange with a newstate == PLAYER_STATE_SPAWNED conditional.

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate,oldstate)
  if(newstate==PLAYER_STATE_SPAWNED)SetPlayerSkin(playerid,pSkin[playerid]); //or similar variable
  return 1;
Alternatively, use SetSpawnInfo accordingly.

*Late Entry
Originally Posted by » Pawnst★r «
Well you expect anyone to work magic with you when they haven't seen any code? lol

Sorry but, no code = no fix.
Clearly code wasn't required.

Clearly code was required since I haven't experienced this "bug" before, therefore I can't magic help out of nowhere.

Then call me Magic Joe.

Most people would have found this bug if they were creating a script from scratch, and forgot SetSpawnInfo or my formentioned bit of code.

I've created a few scripts and never come across it .. yet ;o

Magic Joe it is then!

just for lols I will put code, but thanks, it worked, but for some reason I just got banned from my server, and there is no samp.ban

pawn Код:
  SetPlayerSkin(playerid, PI[playerid][pModel]);
  return 1;
okay, one more problem which is stopping me from 100% testing this:
I am sending a mysql query, and the string appears to randomly alter the first letter of it's self, so far i have it seen BELECT, CELECT and IELECT if anyone has any clue what this is that would be nice. lol i was setting the query to be busy, so it was just spiraling into an infinite loop.
thanks, it works.

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