[HELP] Getting data from MySQL database ????

Could someone help me and tell me what is wrong here:
(Windows sa-mp server with MySQL)

public OnPlayerLogin(playerid)
new query[256];
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pname, sizeof(pname));
mysql_real_escape_string(pname, pname);
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `"TABLENAME"` WHERE account_name = '%s'", pname);
$result = mysql_query(query, CONNECT_THREAD_ID);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){

PlayerInfo[playerid][account_id] = $row[account_id];
PlayerInfo[playerid][account_name] = $row[account_name];


I bolded the potential problem areas. I am not sure, however, how to change this to make it work correctly. Please help!! Thanks!

Error report:


pwn(2803) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
pwn(2803) : error 017: undefined symbol "row"
pwn(2803) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
pwn(2803) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Line 2803 is "while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){"

You are using PHP in pawno, the two are different in alot of ways. You need to use pawno coding, not PHP

What is the pwn code to do this?

Could some show me an example of how to SELECT?

only the bold area is from php, its a bit different in pawn;

This is how i have it;

pawn Код:
format(query, 50, "SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `account_id`='%d'",id);

    explode(result,row, "|");

    PlayerInfo[playerid][hID] = strval(result[0]);

So does that basically get all of the results (SELECT *) and divide them up with a "|" -- and then you remove the "|" for each row?

Also, how do you define your variables?

.pwn(2804) : error 017: undefined symbol "row"
.pwn(2805) : error 017: undefined symbol "explode"
.pwn(2807) : error 017: undefined symbol "result"

I've tried to figure it out based on what you provided here, but the explode(result, row, "|"); is really confusing me.

What is that exactly? Can you show me the code for that if you don't mind? Specifically the explode function.

Here is what I have now:

new query[256];
new row[256];
new result[256];
new pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(query,sizeof(query),"SELECT * FROM `"TABLENAME"` WHERE account_name = '%s'",pname);

mysql_fetch_row_format(row, "|");
explode(result, row, "|");

PlayerInfo[playerid][account_id] = strval(result[0]);
PlayerInfo[playerid][account_name] = strval(result[1]);
PlayerInfo[playerid][account_password] = strval(result[2]);

.pwn(2807) : error 017: undefined symbol "explode"

Does that look good (besides the explode not working)?

I suggest you using sscanf!
pawn Код:
stock LoadPlayerData( playerid )
        line[ 1024 ] ,
        string[ 105 ] ,
        query[ 68 ];
    mysql_real_escape_string( PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Name ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Name ] );
    format( query , sizeof( query ) , "SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE Nickname = '%s'" , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Name ] );
    mysql_query( query );
    mysql_store_result( );
    mysql_fetch_row_format( line , "|" );
    sscanf( line , "p|dsssssdddddddddddddddddddddddfffss" , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ MySQLID ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Name ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Password ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ EMail ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ RegIP ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ IP ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Kills ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Deaths ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Cash ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Bank ] ,
                                                                PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Level ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ VIP ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Muted ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ MuteMinutes ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Jailed ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ JailMinutes ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Frozen ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ FreezeMinutes ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Caged ] ,
                                                                PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ CageMinutes ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Donated ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Skin ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ MsgLevel ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ AdminHidden ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Hours ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Minutes ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ Seconds ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ SavedPos ] ,
                                                                PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ SavedPos0 ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ SavedPos1 ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ SavedPos2 ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ RegisterDate ] , PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ LastOnline ] );
    mysql_free_result( );
You will have to replace some things as it's from my gamemode and it won't work with yours. I also suggest you to read pawn-lang.pdf.

What does this mean: "p|dsssssdddddddddddddddddddddddfffss" ??

And for sscanf to work, do I need to define it in my code?

For the actual code see this page: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Sscanf
For the usage of sscanf see this page: https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/Fast_Commands#sscanf

And for the "p|dsssssdddddddddddddddddddddddfffss" part. I have a variable, new line[ 1024 ];Then I execute the query etc. After that I use mysql_fetch_row_format( line , "|" ); to store the results in the line variable, seperating every field with a "|", then with the sscanf code I use this:
p| tells sscanf that is has to look for the | character. Then I use dssssdddd etc. to tells sscanf that the first characters before the first | are integers. As d in the sscanf code stands for an integer. Then I use s to tell sscanf the next characters are a string.

That would require this code:
But for more help I redirect you to the wiki, it has more examples!


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