

Umm well i hit connect to connect to a server, screen goes black, then it crashes and comes back to my desktop? I've uninstalled GTA SA then reinstalled, still doesn't work, I've restarted my computer, and then re-tried conencting, still doesn't work... So ? :S Any ideas?


Do you have anything running in the background while running the game?

Disable glass then try running it, sometimes SA hates glass.

Try running it as administrator.

Do you have GTA SA.exe 1.0? or 2.0?

how do i stop running glass ? :S and idk which gta_SA i kow i down graded it with the patch? :S am i ment too?

Have you installed any mods lately? Sometimes it happens that a mod can crash samp :S, i will search for your question.

sry for double post, i searched and found this :

Try deleting gta_sa.set from My Doccuments/GTA San Andreas User Files

hope one of them helps

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