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Need someone to be able to promote a roleplay server. Currently we have a 20-25 playerbase everyday and one of the only servers aiming for medium to heavy roleplay. If you think you can help raise our...
If you're using zcmd, Change CMDetvip to CMD:makevip
Just deleting and replacing the actual command..
Hey guys, Just another Piece of mapping by me and i thought i'd release it. Hope you guys like it, Not begging for +rep or anything but if you guys really like it, Would be cool, May have a future SAM...
This is my first map i've ever done and Its no good for me so i thought other people would use it, Not too different from what you say now but back then it was this popular, Thought I'd release it cau...
Amazing mapping! Defiantly something I'd like to use in my server if i had one! Hope to see more releases like this from you!! +1 Reputation from me!
Thanks alot man, Anyone else have any positive/negative feedback?
Las Vegas/Venturas Prison
Hello guys, I wanted to try something new and map something in Las Vegas. I decided it would be a Prison due to the criminal activities expected in LV in regular prisons!
I'd have to say Sony Vegas since its the only editing software I could use. Not that hard to learn how to use it either.
Bump, Really need to know a couple, Anyone out there that can help?
Hello guys, I was looking for a Host Control Panel for my Linux operating system, If you guys could give me a hand, would be very useful, Thanks
Looks great, Definatly something I would want to use on my server, 10/10! +1 rep for the hard work too man.
Been a day now, time to bump, I'm still looking for icons.
Ye maybe faster but not easier at all, I can't create shit... I'm horrible at it... Keeps blurring out or the picture messes up. It makes everyone's life easier if there was someone that didn't mind s...
Originally Posted by omarnor89
Look if you want icons just add me on skype Mayle_Girl
I've all roleplay icons <3
Added you but would make everything if you just PM'd or poste...
Originally Posted by BatmanAndRobin
Whats your definition of "nice or proper looking"
Well, Something ATLEAST SA-MP related, Or administrator related..
Hey guys, Its Jeff
So i've been looking around ******, SA-MP forums, pretty much everywhere and i wasn't able to find any nice, or even proper looking Teamspeak icons for SA-MP.
If anyone has any ...