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Hello, can someone help me? I can not resolve this error, is this problem? Код HTML: C:\Users\2\Desktop\Nova pasta\gamemode\gamemodes\2.pwn(48992) : warning 213: tag mismatch C:\Users\2\Desktop\...
Estou com duvida de como criar uma economia para meu servidor, nгo entendo muito bem
Quote: Originally Posted by MarvinPWN PHP код: #define HOLDING(%0) \     ((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0))      if(HOLDING(KEY_HANDBRAKE)) {     //Remove the bandan...
Quote: Originally Posted by Michael B This is not only your problem. It happens to everybody. Objects placed on your head, will show up on your telescope when aiming. There is an include c...
I have a question, have the sniper and the mask (bandana), my mask is in trouble when I aim with my sniper, the object "bandana", stands in front hindering the vision of the sniper rifle, I was wonder...
Estou com uma dъvida, tem a sniper e a mascara(bandana), a minha mascara estб com problema, quando eu miro com a sniper, o objeto"bandana", fica na frente atrapalhando a visгo da sniper rifle, eu q...
Hello, I have a problem, I want to make this command in dialogue, how can I do? I tried, did not work and lost the code I did, someone help me? worth more reputation! PHP код:     if(strc...
But I did not find a similar, something that refers to hunger, complex..
Quote: Originally Posted by 1Deagle1 Friend, where can I find a 45x45 logo?
Hello, does anyone know where I can find this photo system below in the picture, one that has a pizza or hamburger?
Hello everybody, I'm trying to make a system here using bases Wiki Samp, more're difficult (Recognition of limits), and left it: PHP код: enum info {     LiderInfo[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],   ...
Olб pessoal, estou tentando fazer um sistema aqui usando bases da Wiki Samp, mais tб difнcil(Reconhecimento de limites), e saiu isso: PHP код: enum info {     LiderInfo[MAX_PLAYER_NAM...
Sim, jб estou com todas as animaзхes aqui.
E ai pessoal, estou com duvida, tipo, estou fazendo um comando de cumprimentar e queria saber como fazer com que quando as duas pessoas for executar a animaзгo, elas ficarem de frente retinho, e bat...
My request is fast, I wish the video sound below, see 0:03 in the video, thank you, I'll deems reputable case help me. *********/IPlS6N760cQ
Quero desenvolver um sistema em progress bar, alguйm pode me passar um pequeno e rбpido tutorial de como usar? tipo, apenas queria saber as funзхes que vou realmente precisar, agradeзo deus de jÐ...
Hello, my code is not working, he did two years, someone help me? when I type the command / accept company (performs the part of code) appears "SERVER:. Unknown command", why? what did I do wrong? PH...
Olб, meu codigo nгo estб funcionando, fiz ele a 2 anos, alguem pode me ajudar? quando digito o comando /aceitar empresa (executa a parte do codigo) aparece "SERVER: Unknown command.", por que? o qu...
Does anyone know the id of this inside? or is a map? someone passes me please download, thank you!