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ReD_HunTeR. Thanks for the post. I already detecting any of this things. My Problem is that it's still possible. The Hackers arent crashing players. They're just freezing other players. I've played ab...
Hey there Th3aMr: When you've an Solution for it, could you sent me the Solution too ? Im fighting with them about 3 weeks now and still cant find a solution.
Well, i've done that ealier too. When it spawns, it has the same color as before (18, 1) The Paintjob is 2. The values are correct. So the paintjob is overriding the Coloors even when i reset the colo...
Hello guys, i'm fighting now a few Hours with this Issue and i can't get it working.
When i Create a Vehicle i'm chaning the Colors and also the Paintjob. The Paintjob changes the color.
For example: ...
Hey there, you've forgotten 2 Semikolons (:
pawn Код:
enum tinfo{ turfID, turfName[ 40 ], Float:zMinX, Float:zMinY, Float:zMaxX, Float:zMaxY, Turf...
Okay, thanks you for your response. I better said for it to get fixxed
Well, first of all: Thanks for your response.
I had already tryed it but it seems like it doesnt works too.
Regards: Tigerkiller
Hello Community, i wanted to finish my Vehiclesystem but it seems like the Rotations arent getting set correctly.
Well, they get loaded correctly (using CreateVehicle) but if they explode or anything ...
pawn Код:
CMD:xgoto(playerid, params[]){ new Float:Coords[3], string[100]; if (sscanf(params, "fff", Coords[0], Coords[1], Coords[2])) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "Usage: /xg...
Have you created the Textdraw on OnGameModeInit / onPlayerConnect ?
If so, please show us your Code of the Textdraw / how you created them
Originally Posted by Tigerkiller
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger){ if(vehicleid == Ambulance1 || vehicleid == Ambulance2 || vehicleid =...
Just check if he isn't a Cop, which would be easier at all! ( gTeam[player] != TEAM_COP )
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger){ if(vehicleid == Ambulance1 || vehicleid == Ambulance2 || vehicleid == Ambulance3 || vehicleid == Ambulance4 &&a...
how did you defined ur colours ?
like red
you have to login as rcon admin first.
/rcon login password - you can get the current rcon password by opening the server.cfg
after you have logged in as rcon admin, you can change the mapname by us...
I recomment of using enums and save them on OnGameModeExit / OnFilterScriptExit / OnPlayerDisconnect o.O
Why did players always save it while they are playing ? i know sometimes it's a good way but no...
Why are you asking here ? Just try it out . . .
pawn Code:
forward CarRepair();public CarRepair() { for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) { if(GetVehicleHealth(i) <= 300){ SetVehicleHealth(i, 301); ...
so if you ban his ip, he can change it easy!
best way is if you use the gpci function
First of all, what's your Problem exactly ? We cannot help you whitout any Informations of it . . .
Otherwise show us ur randomEx public / stock