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Quote: Originally Posted by RazorGuigo How can I have this control? If you were reading and writing to the file byte by byte then this wouldn't be a problem. However, what you can do is...
Note that this won't work if the size of the .amx file is not divisible by 4. Sorry for speaking english in this section.
Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus We really need to implement this into Texture Studio. I have looked at the code and yeah we would need to do some customizing. I am thinking the best way...
Can you show your ban table's structure?
I don't see anything wrong in your code specifically. Have you tried enabling mysql debugging?
DobbysGamertag pointed out something very important. It's really irresponsible from your part not to use any hashing method to store passwords. I recommend you to use bcrypt.
You first need to check if the inputtext is a null string before comparing both strings. You could use this useful macro by ******: PHP код: #if !defined isnull     #define isnull(%1) ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayrion CreateActor and CreateDynamicActor follow the same id incrementation or it's separate? It's a different ID increment.
Quote: Originally Posted by RogueDrifter Aha thanks! i edited my post with that valid thing and i'll check your implementation once i get time but just a comment shouldn't this: PHP коÐ...
Just a suggestion: fix the indentation in your code. It seems that you're mixing tabs and spaces which you shouldn't. Other than that, it's a nice idea.
Are you sure you're using the latest version? I mean the errors don't really make sense at all. Code: I don't get any errors when compiling, wha...
It would be good if you could enable debugging level 3.
BRW (Binary Reader and Writer) Overall, the I/O file functions that the provides seem to be really powerful and I haven't seen an include that supports reading binary files utilizing them. ...
I mean, it all depends on how you want to organize your gamemode. Some people might tell you that it is not recommended to use the stock keyword but as I said it depends. The only thing the "stock" ke...
Quote: Originally Posted by Juance Hello everyone. I have a little doubt about how to declare functions to use in the Gamemode Код: forward MyFunction(); public MyFunction() { // res...
Toto - Hold the line
Quote: Originally Posted by GaByM Yes, but I did this: Код HTML: #include <a_samp> main() { new b; switch(b) { case 0..20000: {} case 20001..115000: {} case 115001..2...
If you want a two dimensional array, you can do: PHP код: new Iterator:Something<1st_dim_upperbound, 2nd_dim_upperbound>;  Example: PHP код: new Iterator:Something<30...