Search Results
I don't know how big mine is, but it's big enough for me.
Oh how did I miss that Thanks Lorenc for not wasting my time, I love you!
Quote: Originally Posted by Zh3r0 Search? Dafuck :\ Thanks for your (dumb) input, but I already tried.
Hello, I remember once seeing someone released a script to attach objects to your vehicle... (symmetrically). Which one of you geniuses released it? I really need that script for my next project T...
Smother down your fire kitty ... Yeah well... as said above, contact administrator.
Post your rйsumй... see if anyone is interested.
Wait! I've missed something... what it was? This is entirely new revelation for me. Well ahh, must go find out what's new in sa-mp... Good job by the way.
Quote: Originally Posted by Ironboy I was having a doubt about that, that's why i asked for screens. What for do you need screens? There's a source It's a copy of tomozj's Reaction te...
This is a damn copy of (don't remember whose) work..
Quote: Originally Posted by Newbie what do you mean? you are fans of monkey? I like flying pigs >.>
Quote: Originally Posted by Newbie add h-pet system too i am big fan of horrible I'm a big fan of myself too.
Why are there black borders on the sides? The flashy text font is bleeding cowboys... not suited with a metal texture. Man, it's making my eyes sweat.. But keep improving, developing.. or whatever
Quote: Originally Posted by Mrkrabz Not exactly, it's revealed itself in the post which I found. Oh really? Mind giving me the link? Thanks for your help
Ok, so these coordinates are somehow hashed, but I need to figure them out: The hashed coordinates are uploaded as an image. This will prevent this thread from being found by ****** or other search...
Quote: Originally Posted by Max_Coldheart GOOD AND MATURE admin team. (This is what you don't see very often.) Gotta agree with that quote. IMO LVP is the only server where maturity lev...