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I'll make a few of these, it's really nothing special just a 3D look for the standard SA-MP GUI. To use, just save this image and copy it into your GTA directory (replace the standard sa-mp one) Mad...
impossibru - you can't stream ******* URL's ingame.
There are already like 50 tutorials on this topic. It's really not hard to search before posting.
Rephrase that. If you are asking if a host will fix your issue, provided your script is functional - yes it will. It's probably a firewall preventing people from connecting which won't be a drama on ...
I meant change 'return;' to 'return 1;' not delete them.
that's because you return; and return 1; in the same function. this is a sa-mp callback, therefore you shouldn't be returning without either 1 or 0 anyway.
Untested but better than OP pawn Код: #include <a_samp>#include <zcmd>#define KICK_GUN 38new bool:HasKickGun[MAX_PLAYERS];stock TogglePlayerKickGun(playerid, toggle){    switch(togg...
Make SURE that pawn Код: #include <a_samp> comes BEFORE pawn Код: #include <zcmd>
Quote: Originally Posted by Max_Coldheart Then do it with all possible routers or you'll just get whining that the window looks different.
Quote: Originally Posted by Max_Coldheart That's because their server isn't showing up because they haven't port forwarded. And they wont get it online because they haven't port forwarde...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kindred I honestly LOL'ed. Easy to do, plus, pretty sure there are much more tutorials about this with more details And yet for some ungodly reason people s...
[ame=""]SA-MP || How To Server[/ame]
Well I know you can receive a ban for releasing other people's work. Just think about that before you go posting my sql file
Quote: Originally Posted by ca2k I am sorry for putting this puzzle together so quickly, but very few people add NameWasHere on their website - and if you see this all over your database i...
Even though I still think you're retarded, this tutorial is good. +1
That's incredible... I just opened up all the old dodgy scripts and displayed their end of lines. all broken ones only had [CR] instead of [CR][LF] Thankyou for pointing that out!
I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this thread, but I did feel it was necessary for me to pass on a bit of knowledge I came across while working on a recent project of mine. While trying t...
Short answer - no. Some webhosts give you SSH access, but usually you won't have the correct permissions to install and run a SA-MP server. Your best bet would be to get a VPS, in which you have the...
181 That site was like my bible when I was just starting out. I'd recommend SMF over MyBB by the way.