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Maybe it's time to go open-source.
I don't think those sounds are available to us as of now, on one of my older scripts I used this sound if it helps at all;
Well it does shift a bit with really low resolutions but seeing as it's readable and functional still, I haven't applied a fix just yet. The only thing that bothers me is the colouring seems a bit off...
Here is the current menu we are using on our mini-games server;
Still a work in progress but it makes voting on different maps/modes very easy
I don't see why you would ever need to kill the timer just before your kick is processed. If you had some cause to not kick them after a command was typed you would just need to exit the command befor...
Another one bites the dust.. take care pal.
Add a var under onplayerupdate that utilizes a timer of how ever many seconds you think best so the code is only fired once every so many seconds?
I hope this issue gets a fix soon.
Add key detection for zooming in and out, would be nice for making custom sightings.
Remove the players ability to force class selection by pressing F4. If we want them to go to class selection we can give them a simple command to do so.
First person camera option as creating it with PAWN is near impossible to get decent results.
Remove the army skins camo hat so that we can use other objects (helmets etc) and add the camo texture to one of the hat objects. (I don't think there is a camo texture that matches the army skin curr...
I'm not great with MySQL but seeing as you're online and waiting i'll give it a go. Try this;
PHP код:
new str[700];
mysql_format(mysql, str, sizeof(str), "UPDATE `users` SET Name = '...
Re-Add player objective markers.
Looks good, you should slightly adjust the floor though to stop the glitchy effect.
I also think you should add some signage on the exterior.
Thanks for this, great work SA-MP team!
This looks really good. You should upload your textured version as an alternate download.
Additional vehicle options from GTA SA single player.
pawn Код:
explosion-proofbullet-prooffire-proofdamage-proofengine state 'stalled'wheel size floatbody dirt level cleanbody dirt level maxsusp...
Apparantly run time error 6 is normally assosiated with a missing bracket, check your code for missing brackets on recently edited code.