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Solved it, just needed to TogglePlayerSpectating and PlayerSpectatePlayer.
I must have skipped over the plugins then, Ill go search even more.
Does it create a local database, or do I need to have a server?
I need to get the file name of all the files in a specific folder/directory. This poses a problem because you cannot easily achieve this considering there are not any functions to handle this in pawn ...
I figured it out haha, sorry for wasting your time. I read the Beginner's Guide: Single/Two/Multi-dimensional Arrays guide and figured out that I needed to use a multi-array and iterate through the di...
I have a very vague understanding of Array's because I just started programming in PAWN again. I have been off doing languages such as Java. Any ways, I'm trying to make an array of Text that will be...
Fixed all the brackets, sadly that did not do the trick.
Alright, used the program. Everything is fine, so what else causes crashes? or is it o.o
I have over 40 thousand lines. That might take a few days lol. This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts. Please try again in 54 seconds... Previous posts were before your post wa...
Is there any way to find where the problem occurs?
Alright I will check through all the lines to see where a bracket is missing. Thank you.
What are some causes that will make it do this?
Quote: Originally Posted by dr.pepper This should be made as a Stock. Yes, i noticed his mistake and fixed it. Either way it did not change anything, and at the other dude, yes.
Quote: Originally Posted by Macluawn pawn Код: dcmd_warn(playerid,params[]){    new sname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],        gname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],        player,        reason, ...
Quote: Originally Posted by varthshenon pawn Код: OnSomeWhereYouWantIt(playerid,blahblahblah)dini_Set(file,"IP",GetPlaeyrIP2(playerid));GetPlayerIP2(playerid){    new IP[24];    Ge...
Quote: Originally Posted by varthshenon pawn Код: GetPlayerIP2(playerid){    new IP[24];    GetPlayerIp(playerid,IP,24);    return IP;} did not work
Code is quite simple, pawn Код: GetPlayerIp(playerid,ip,sizeof(ip)); pawn Код: dini_Set(file,"IP",ip);
Alright, i have an annoying problem that reoccurs when i try to write a players ip to file. Include used to write file: Dini Now when it writes the file, after the execution of /register, and eve...
Well, this is a weird bug, its with the command IsPlayerConnected. It tells me the player is not connected when he actually is... code: pawn Код: dcmd_warn(playerid,params[]){    if(Info[pla...