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Hello maddinat0r when I try switch from R39-6 to R-40 and I compile gamemode with new a_mysql I get errors pawn Код: C:\Users\Ivica\Documents\GURP MYSQL v4.0.0\gamemodes\guRP_4.0.0_mysql.pwn(3169)...
So I made a code when I accept request for backup from some player and if I want to cancel it I must type /cancel backup but for some reason code doesn't work at all I mean cp don't disable and variab...
Hello everyone. So when I sit on bike bmx or mountain bike I can't drive it it's like I'm frozen but I have this code in onplayerstatechange under onplayerstate driver and it should work but it's not:...
Quote: Originally Posted by Crayder You must update both, the .dll/.so in your plugins folder and the .inc file in your includes folder. THEN recompile and run. I did that few times act...
Can anyone help me. I have version of streamer 2.4 and all works fine when I run server. But yesterday when I update this new version of streamer plugin I compiled pawno and run server I get bunch of ...
if I remove it how then will player be removed from vehicle.
So I have in public fuelcheck when fuel of some vehicle reach 0 then it send to player there's no fuel left in vehicle press button Y to exit and of course it freeze player and I set NoFuel{i} = 1; t...
I don't have any mods installed. Thanks
Hello. So I driving normal through LV-SF and for some reason I get crashed and this is what it tells me pawn Code: SA-MP 0.3.7Exception At Address: 0x007F5A3ABase: 0x02F20000Registers:EAX: 0x0000000...
Hello I made a command /addadmin when I type /addadmin name_admin level it creates file like Luca_Johnson and inside that file is level = 1338 okay but when I want to check when player enter server ...
Hello everyone. So I have variable StreetRace and I have command /a4021 - with this I assing to some player left track and variable StreetRace to 1 and /a4022 with this I assign right track to some pl...
this is pvar slot3 then I want it in something like new slot3[max_players]; Slot3[playerid] = 1; or PlayerInfo[playerid][Slot3] = 1; Like that
Hello how can I this code turn from pvar to global variable? Thanks pawn Код: SetPVarInt(playerid, "Slot_3", GetPVarInt(playerid, "Slot_3")+ammo);
it is all runtime errors 7 stack underflow but my public codes are fine so I returned to streamer 2.7.4 and it's works perfect without any errors I remember that Konstantinos says somewhere in the pos...
So I have updated streamer to this last version 2.7.8 and I get a bunch runtime errors in my gamemode in some publics so I have returned streamer to version 2.7.4 and gamemode starts fine without any ...
So like in title says I get that error in this public pawn Код: forward AutoSkolaProvjeraBrzina();public AutoSkolaProvjeraBrzina(){    foreach(Player,i)    {        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehic...
It's not that I check that already. But here you go: #define SVIJETLOPLAVA 0x33CCFFAA
Quote: Originally Posted by AbyssMorgan Oh my God, use the indentation PHP код: forward OdvozTimer(); public OdvozTimer(){     for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++){     Â...
Hello. So crashdetect says that there is runtime error 7: stack underflow in this public Quote: forward OdvozTimer(); public OdvozTimer() { for(new i; i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) { if(Is...