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here is the beging but i dont wat the problem is it always does the cmd even if i do one that dosent exist like /hi i dont ge it help thanks Код: new cmd[256]; new tmp[256]; new sendername...
the thing is i have search and carnt find an answer so please help
i updated to this now i have loads of error in my gm arrays size is to small how to fix please and no im not useing sscanf thanks Код: stock strtok(const stringdutils[], &index,seperator=' ') ...
none of them work is wat im saying even set weather
i just made this and its not seeming to work all i get is An Admin has set the time to 24 for all of them and ideas Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { //----------------------...
how do i make a cmd rcon only
i have been told that it is possable to include pwn files (not filterscripts) but like store the cmds in a pwn file then include it under onplayerconnect how would this be done thanks ps: need this ...
thanks and my laptop clock is wrong sorry
bump i beleave it is 12 hours please help i have spent most of my time on this
and i split it how cuz i have a few cmds like this for irc thanks for the help
only seems to work for one id 0 not sure y Код: irccmd_plinfo(conn, channel[], user[], params[]) { #pragma unused conn , params , user if(!IsPlayerOp(conn,channel,user)) return AccessDenied(use...
this is wat i got from sneakys irc and tried to change it to playerxs irc script and failing it doesent change the bots it stop them workin altogether any ideas thanks Код: ublic IrcSay(Message[]...
ok this time the cmd works sort of in a way that everytime you try set set a players admin it sets it to zero not sure y thanks Код: irccmd_setadmin(conn, channel[], user[], params[]) { #pragma...
thats y i can here to get my code warning freed thanks man
Код: this says i have to errors wen it is fine any clue into y it says C:\Users\brian\Desktop\pTc 0.3x offical\gamemodes\pTc0.1x.pwn(5454) : warning 217: loose indentation C:\Users\brian\Desktop\...
dont no jw want it to be full irc because i dont understand how to change these thanks