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Originally Posted by Dystans
Hm... today I want to try join on IRC (I never had even an IRC client) and I've this message when try to connect:What the hell?
As you are from Polan...
I can confirm this. It happens in 0.3e and also 0.3x. And it indeed crashes the players around you as well.
I can confirm this. It doesn't appear before 0.3x RC1-3 (just tested in both RC1-2 and RC1-3).
I just spawn a weapon and go aim at a vehicle. As soon as I press fire, I instantly crash (I don't even ...
Does your server_log write anything about something that has failed to load?
In sa-mp 0.3e there's a tool that allows you to easily edit objects. So if you need to get the position, you should probably download the 0.3e server package and client. The 0.3e server package also c...
You can use SendPlayerMessageToAll. It'll automatically jump to the next line, if your text is too long.
pawn Код:
... if(IsPlayerConnected(i))//checking if player is connected else nothing { ShowPlayerDialog(i, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "what floor...
You mistakenly made pAdmin global:
pawn Код:
....stock GetName(playerid){ new name[24]; GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); return name;}new pAdmin[MAX_PLAYERS];//<----CMD...
You destroy a trailer just the same way as you destroy a vehicle; using DestroyVehicle
So at OnPlayerDisconnect it would simply be: DestroyVehicle(trailer[playerid]);
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]){ new string[128]; format(string, sizeof string, "[%d]: %s", playerid, text); SendPlayerMessageToAll(playerid, string); return 0;}
I thought it didn't work at all (but I have only used CJ skin). So I guess that's the reason it didn't work. I'll test with other skins, but so far I have had no luck applying that special action to C...
I can confirm this. I also do not have a folder called "SAMP" (I deleted it earlier, because of exactly these kinds of object problems).
In some callbacks, you need to return 0 to let other scripts handle it. (callbacks like: OnRconCommand, OnDialogResponse, and OnPlayerCommandText).
The OnPlayerKeyStateChange callback seems to act...
Yes it is possible. If you want a good anticheat I would recommend you to check this thread by cessil: Also don't expect to get a perfect anti chea...
I get these errors when I come near a base on this server. I think it's because of some objects added in 0.3d. And no, I don't have any mods installed.
Use virtual worlds. This way both the RP and DM players can be at the exact same place, without seeing each other.
Show some of your code in OnPlayerText which is related to the word censoring
It's Ђ 9.00 no matter how many slots the server has. If you don't have an account at game-mp you have a problem though, as the registrations are closed.