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Honestly, I wouldn't be worried about admins reading my PM. Storing unencrypted passwords is a thing. That is shady as fuck.
Quote: Originally Posted by Y_Less Thanks, I'll check it in bit. This is advertised as "isomorphic" - that means the same jS can be run on the server or the client. So you shouldn't ne...
Quote: Originally Posted by NaS Yes, because 5x5 is 25. Welp, I'm assuming the "n" argument in your function is actually the square amount.
Quote: Originally Posted by NaS Код: splitsquares(Float:sizeX = 100.0, Float:sizeY = 100.0, num = 5) { new Float:offsetX = sizeX / num, Float:offsetY = sizeY / num; for(new x = 0; x &...
Код: CMD:explode(playerid, params) { new id, reason[128], Float:px, Float:pz, Float:py, nameadmin[24], nameexplode[24], string[246], Float:health1, Float:ar1, Float:health2, Float:ar2; if(Player...
Код: stock ShowTargetInventory(playerid, targetid) { new str[180]; if(!IsPlayerNPC(targetid)) { gItemList=""; for(new item;item<MAX_ITEMS;item++) { if(!strlen(_GetItemNamePVar...
Код: CMD:targetinv(playerid,params[]) { new targetid = strval(params); if(!IsPlayerConnected(targetid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"Wrong player ID"); if(pInfo[playerid][pAdminL...
Quote: Originally Posted by Meller I've done this with other natives earlier (several months ago), I used Kick(%0,%1) to return a SetTimerEx with an interval of the players ping for exampl...
I stumbled upon this discussion in Southclaw's Scavenge Survive's repository and I believe this could take PAWN scripting to the next level. It would allow us to write nicer and readable code and ach...
I like what you're doing, but you're re-inventing the wheel and calling yourself the original inventor. Everything you mentioned already exists and they're not necessarily 'poor'. Is there any clear a...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kaperstone I think, people are using the languages that they're most comfortable with and are avoiding learning and a adopting to new things. The thing is, the...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mauzen This. Im always sceptical when people try to turn the game into something completely different. San Andreas is set in the 90s USA, not in a fantasy world...
Change this: Код: format(string, sizeof(string), "Welcome %s, take that $500 for start!", Player_Name); To this: Код: format(string, sizeof(string), "Welcome %s, take that $%d for start!", P...
Quote: Originally Posted by 1fret But wouldn't that edit the rank of the player thats using the command , instead of the player thats offline, cause im a bit sure it would Why are you t...
This problem is annoying, I made a workaround that consists of adding the IDs I want to remove from an iterator to an array and once the foreach finishes I run the array (in a for() loop) and remove t...
It's probably caused by FCNPC internal behaviour, let's discard an option: Код: new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z; FCNPC_GetPosition(npcid,x,y,z); printf("Debug 1 > %f", z); ...
Do you have MapAndreas enabled in FCNPC? Код: FCNPC_ToggleMapAndreasUsage() Also, when a NPC finds an obstacle his facing angle SHOULD be inverted, not randomly changed. Doing so will eventually c...
It sounds like an infinite loop. Check all your timers, loops and anything that can cause the script to run infinitely.
This is the correct way to get a player's name: Код: new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); format(str,sizeof(str),"%s | %s |",orgname, name);
This is absurd, they should as well close the whole SA-MP forum when they notice english players are behind many attacks too. smh