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SetPlayerChatBubble .. is a 'Timed' function, and your using it as a marker for the player... while it in essence SHOULD work, i think the 'Time' that you've set, is potentially the problem.
if its supposedly 'Impossible' ..then how can the function exist on several servers already
If your seeking how to do it, i suggest that you keep trolling the SAMP forums and wait for someone to ste...
Im there already.. royal fucking nightmare .. as you then have to have city definitions, Hospital Locations, if you have dynamic death ... the list goes on... If anyone has any 'opinion ( they always ...
It honestly depends on your intentions of use...
If your just wanting to list out 20 or so factions that will always be THIS/THAT .. then static Scripting is fine...
If your intention is to Create Fa...
By definition, there is No 'Difference'
TEAM Defines are often associated with Static Scripts where variables are Statically set to X.
The term 'Faction' was later migrated when someone figured out t...
Well, im NOTORIOUSLY known for butting heads with 'Those In Charge' of this community .... It was deleted because the topic turned into some big debate between myself and Woet ... The system in itself...
I Posted this a few months back, most of it was constructed ...
Its called ( SA-MP BANS ) but covers VC & MTA, and soon to come IV. ( extended to other multi player versions )
It Uses ( Hardware ...
well if its happening 'randomly' ( by this it works 50/50 of the time ) then its your streamer...
Notice the last peram is ( Virtual world )
On a Personal Note, im just curious...did you download a GM from this website....and attempting to use it to 'L...
Your Text Message needs to be OUTSIDE the FOREACH PLAYER Loop.
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// Anything in here for text display spams all players
SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RE...
im sorry but BOOOO for Consoles !!!
Each 2 years, Console prices increase on average of 100.00 USD
GAME PRICES for Consoles increase $10.00 USD Per 2 Years
Onse a Console has been Replaced but its '...
Virtual World would have nothing to do with being AFK... the check for it is redundant...
Simply checking the XY POS of a player ever 1 sec and comparing it to the next time it loops..
tick +1 if co...
6,363 per day average for GTA
Im going to guess the not even 1/3 of SAMP PLAYERS use Xfire.
id sure like to see where you people are getting your 'Stats' from ?
Downloads, hell..ive downloaded over 22 times, not to mention, im using a remote connect through a download link via getfile .... ...
SendClientMessage(id,COLOR_SHITBROWN,"--------------- Miranda Warning ---------------");
SendClientMessage(id,COLOR_SHITBROWN,"You Have the Right to Keep your Fat Face Shut");
no idea what in hell your asking for...
you need the FTP function to grab the file from the game server ?
yes it does..the key, is the configuration...
you can simply change the FTP location to whatever directory ('/Up/Your/Ass/samp.ban')
I CAN tell you, that if your hosts 'root' directory is going to b...
This would be my best suggestion ...
It does have some flaws, like if the Ban File is empty, the fread( function will generate errors ... a few edits w...