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Hello, before some days i was good in samp... but this 2 last days the game start to freeze and i have to close it from Task Manager can someone tell me what is the problem? Maybe is the Server/PC Sys...
new file[50],name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
dini_IntSet(file,"AccountLocked",0 or 1);}els...
Hi, can anyone tell me website to buy or free VPS, because i want one....
If someone knows sites for VPS and i can pay with EURO its okay
Hello , i want to make a new server, but i dont have ideas. My gamemode is FREEROAM, so i want someone to tell me some systems etc to make Thanks +1 rep
Ok tell me where i can do this post -.- my friend
Hi , i want to make a new server and i start from scratch. The only one system i made is Register/Login, can someone tell me some ideas to make the server better like server commands(no admin and vip ...
im not sure but make it when someone got spawned to change him color to the color that you want...
If you want white make it white when the player spawned.
The other thing is make it with timer SetTim...
If you want fix it its just warning...
But if you want to fix it.. change hitid and make phitid and then change the others below
You have to made it... just do it and tell me if work or i will see what can i do
lol o.O the errors is about strings... like new string[128]; and your message in format(string... below from new string have more than [128] characters... Change it and do it 500
Send the codes pls only the line errors
Hi i want to make /richlist command. With this command you can see the top 10 players who have the most money of server
Like this:
---Rich List---
TheNewFuture(ID:0) - 9999999$
Undertaken(ID:1) - 19...
You need to make when someone goes to checkpoint to check if the house is owned by someone else.
if no one have bought that house it will show that menu else if someone have already bought that house...
you cant do anything for that.
but I have an Idea, make with timers.
I mean to play one song and after 3 minutes start automatically other song and after 3 minutes again new song...