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Quote: Originally Posted by DeStRoY232 i just want clean login/register, kills, deaths, score and money saving system that's all i don't want extra things in it Then make it yourself? T...
You're asking which code part but you haven't provided your code, so how do you expect someone to see an issue without having the code?
Quote: Originally Posted by Fratello Makes sense now. Thanks. Okay
You've never been able to remove ".exe" files as there's only 1 .exe file an that's to start the server, so... I don't get why you could possibly trying to remove a .exe file?? You realize .exe is an ...
You should be resetting the value for that playerid on connect, and before login. so when they login it gets their info And if they're registering, you should be SETTING everything to default anyway.....
This is kind of confusing considering "Oban" = Offline ban, but you're not doing any checks too see if the account exists, you're only banning the player if they're online Do you have an "Accounts Ta...
Hey, So I'm having an issue with Код: SetPlayerColor(playerid, X); If I have more than 1 person in a server for example, If I select a team that gives me color yellow, It sets everyone yellow in t...
Quote: Originally Posted by KingHual you're american but use ****** translate to translate into English? You can't really talk considering the above is missing quiet a few things.. So m...
Quote: Originally Posted by Fratello Good one. I have one question in your SQL query. HTML Code: user_donator = %s", GetPlayerName(playerid) why did you put user_donator (Name of the p...
Hello, I made a quick and simple donator system which will automatically delete a donator from the table after their donator period has expired. Please note, this does not set them to "donator" ingam...
The entire script is Dini and i aint got time or patience to sit an do that lol.
Hey, Are you setting the PVar to 0 when they connect? If you're not setting the pvar at all then it won't = 0. So it will never make it inside ; Код: if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "AccountExis...
Hey, So I've recently come back to samp after 2 n half years and I fucking hate DINI like with a passion, If this was SQL It'd be piece of cake.. But for some reason, this command DOES not work and I...
Lol, who ever added that line of code was drunk because it's a null statement to a preexisting statement
Quote: Originally Posted by Seyed So we can not change Skin users or Cars? For all server users Well you could, if you had every single user who registers modify their gta3.img to match...
Quote: Originally Posted by n00blek try to find skin which is never used in your server for example 1(i think its The Truth) and replace it in gta3.img but other people wont find it. there...
You mean, you created your own skin? You realize custom skins are client side, so you need too modify your gta3.img file to be able to see your skin.
To be honest you should be using regex but hey ho. not my code so using a loop will be fine for you, loops are not always good though especially if you have lets say 100 players and each player is bei...
399 Could have just used G oogle to find the pickup ids ? I believe; 1559 is the one you're lookin for
It means you're only moving the shell, not the actual object, Each object in sa-mp has multiple layers, from the floor too the trees to everything really. Simply copy the shell and then delete the ori...