Search Results
15,000 people were playing SA-MP when I last looked. Dayz standalone only had 10k playing. There aren't any games like this. People can create their own characters and stories unlike any other place. ...
Hi there, I have files converted to GTA format, ready for conversion to SA-MP - .ide/ipl etc all included. I've struggled in the past with converting using KDFF etc and I can't seem to get it workin...
I'm currently developing LV-RP - I removed that HUGE annoying strip and reverted to using the Old Venturas Strip. Delays were due to Bereavement. Look here for info.
There is a discord on it. I plan to open within a few weeks Due to personal issues I had to delay.
I'm on it. Check my signature. Thanks for the above poster.
No problem, I understand the feeling when someone resolves without explaining how.
I don't have that on. I'm not sure why at all. EDIT: Resolved. Sleep mode was set to 0. More info:
There's a lot of sections for that. I'll double check and get back to you. I don't think I'm running any loops currently.
I'm currently using MySQL r39-3 for my server, I've not started it in a long time and I've just upgraded to 0.3DL - R1. When I send for a login, it takes a LONG time to spawn. Is this just a case of ...
Hi there I'm looking for some assistance with a map conversion. I'm not interested in vice city or such but if anyone has the knowledge or ability please kindly message me here or on Skype. I'd happ...
Quote: Quote: Originally Posted by NaS View Post This is nice. It would be really awesome if the kdffgui would support command line too, so you can create collisions for a lot of objects ...
I've used the the KDFF without parameters but I still don't understand what the command is to batch create .col file for all .dffs? Could someone assist? Thanks for any assistance. I used kdff -g ...
I mean, when doing a batch conversion of files, it will look for a file of the same name?
And what exactly is it doing, replacing them?
Will a server load any items without putting them through KDFF? The textures I have aren't the same name as the .dff files. Am I required to do this manually? There are of course many .DFF files that ...
pawn Code: new modelflags_flags[68] = {0,2097152,4,2097156,2097284,2097220,2097280,128,68,5,132,2,2048,64,140,2176,2099328,2097348,196,1,129,8321,192,4100,4096,8192,32896,2162816,2130052,32900,213004...