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Wow... Read some guides... You really missed up the code.
Doesn't help... Also I can't click "Put Offline" or "Put Online" It just says "Aestan Tray Menu" "Could not execute menu item (internal error) [Exception] Could not service action: Service didn't star...
I didn't get you sorry. You meant that I'll download the phpmyadmin from their website and copy the files to the this directory? E:\Program Files\wamp\apps\phpmyadmin3.2.0.1
Hey there. I have a problem with WAMPSERVER. It all worked fine and all, but now I can't access the phpmyadmin... it says page not found, what means I can't create the database.... Any help?
What is inside the strlen must be a string, not an integer
Yeah, my bad, my internet kindda died and that's why I double posted, it didn't receive all web info either so I saw the command only, without the other stuff.
Not good at all... You didn't even post the SetPlayerBlind(playerid,toggle); function...
Hi. Lately I've been away from GTA and games stuff but now I want to be play again. A few months ago I deleted the GTA:SA shortcut which was in my desktop and since then I can't start my GTA:SA. Toda...
Quote: Originally Posted by »Goobii« Set this on top of your script; pawn Код: #pragma unused params And then you can use it like this way pawn Код: dcmd_opengate(playerid, pa...
Is there a variable called "Level" in the file itself?
put pawn Код: break; after everything is checked.
Nice and all, but that's the wrong section buddy, this should be put in "Filter Scripts and Includes".
Quote: Originally Posted by Joe Torran C pawn Код: CMD:goto(playerid, params[]){    new x, y, z;    if(sscanf(params, "iii", x, y, z)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF...
Quote: Originally Posted by Don Correlli You can only change it to a lower value. No, he can to a higher value as well, but it won't do anything...