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Try to access this: Directly from chrome, pasting it in url. Php error s...
SOLVED! I managed to fail, and hook CreateVehicle function at the end of the script, after calling CreateVehicle itself.
Hello everyone! I tried to hook CreateVehicle function with ALS method, but I just couldn't, it won't work, custom function isn't called, but there is no error saying, that _CreateVehicle is not used....
Well done! I tried to do something similar to this, few weeks ago, but unfortunately, my patience gone
This should work. Code: if((strlen(typ == 0) ? (FracRang[uid][i]) : (FamRang[uid][i])) < 2)
Hello everyone. How should I properly use GetVehicleDamageStatus, UpdateVehicleDamageStatus, and most important - store it in mysql database? I can't fully understand how does bits works, how is they ...
Use sublime text 3. Copy whole file content, select it with ctrl + A, go to File >> Reopen with encoding >> Select your language. Arabic symbols in your file might suck up, thats why you c...
Quote: Originally Posted by antixgaming Well that is SAMP\'s limitation. You cannot have callback that will happen only when player switches weapon. That\'s not yet added on SAMP (as I kn...
Quote: Originally Posted by antixgaming pawn Код: public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid){    new iCurWeap = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid); // Return the player's current weapon         if(i...
Alright, I will try to figure something with timer. Thanks for response! PS: What do you mean by saying "or something similar for this"? Like timestamp or tick count check in OnPlayerUpdate? Or you s...
Yeah, tried something like that, but the thing is that I make over 50iterations on every weapon change, and that's big amount for OnPlayerUpdate which is called about 32 times a second as far as am I ...
Hey everyone, is there any callback such as OnPlayerSwitchWeapon, OnPlayerChangeWeapon? I tried to use OnPlayerUpdate to detect when player changes weapon, but it's not stable lets say. It works somet...
Alright, I will try it again. Thanks for response!
Hello everyone, is it possible to hook for example GivePlayerWeapon function in my gamemode (main .pwn file) if this functions is already hooked in other include? I tried to hook that function, but un...
Quote: Originally Posted by bgedition First result in G00gle with the term 'mysql error 111' will show you this: Please, next time ...
Hello. I recently bought VPS, configured, etc and now, then I start server using nohup ./samp03svr & (I'm using Debian 9), server log prints this: connection error (Code #2003): Can't connect to M...
Hello. Is there any pathfinder compatible with FCNL. THANJ
Quote: Originally Posted by kvann That's a very cool idea, I've never thought of this approach to chat logs. My logger was supposed to be as flexible as possible, that's why it stores the ...
Quote: Originally Posted by kvann If you are planning to create a log viewing interface for your admins on your website or somewhere else, a database is 100% the way to go. I recently buil...
I don't like the usage of that plugin. I already started creating my own unique MySQL logs saving . Thanks for answer!