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Quote: Originally Posted by Dutheil Why do you declare variables, if you know that you will not use it ? Because he has no idea what he is doing. Now where is my rep.
1. Remove new x; on line35. 2. Looks like pName is already a global variable, so delete new pName[24] or rename it.
Quote: Originally Posted by Wizzard2H For people who doesn't understand anything related to "webmaster" it is good. You do realise if he sets up CF he would leave traces like DNS and his I...
You can monetize them, but that's not the subject of this forum.
10. range is also private address range. Treat it as 192.168. range from tutorials. But since you are on class A range, I guess that's not your home network where you have admin access to your router...
If you really need run RCON commands from your linux server, you could get around that using rcon api for php.
Quote: Originally Posted by extender1987 It is my Filezilla or is theyr host issue? Neither of those has anything to do with this forum.
Oh, you would use ajax in that case probably. Search stackoverflow or any other of millions of forums that are dedicated to web development.
I don't know what exactly would you like to achieve, but equivalent would probably be a cronjob in this case.
You choose classic, it works.
Probably PEN1 because basically every RP server is based on that one.
Ј40 is far bellow current market price, so I suppose there was a reason why you went that low?
It can, but you would have to seriously overuse it. Check this thread for reference:
You can also get that error, if array is out of bounds.
Quote: Originally Posted by Vince If you have a moderately large database an extensive/expensive query can take a few seconds to complete. Do you know practical example of such case in ...
I was all for MySQL back in the day, but now I would prefer SQLite. If you use SQLitei include you are all set, and you don't need to mess your gamemode with threaded queries, etc.
Because pawn doesn't work like that. You need to format script separately.
Your blog looks like one of SEO support blogs; very generic content without any personal note. And template suggests that we are in 2005 or something. You better go to some webmaster forum and learn ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Alex Magaсa If you look at old threads in SA-MP Forums, the crashes sometimes are related to game(server) or SA-MP client. Even if a player uses mods this will...
Quote: Originally Posted by eider The fix implemented by Kalcor is working in this example. It succesfully prevented arbitary connection from holding RakNet's resources. What happens now i...