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So, this happened as soon as I started my computer. I pressed the SA-MP icon and then all the servers are like there but it says 0 ping on each and every one of them notifying they're offline, althoug...
Quote: Originally Posted by JonathanW You defined all the Vehicle Variables in the player's enumerator. Should've made a seperate enum for Vehicles, then link the vehicle using an Owner ID...
Introduction I have decided to work on something big for a project just because I didn't release anything in quite a while and because I was in-active. I decided to create a vehicle system that'll mos...
So I have managed to solve the issues that occured and then as I finally managed to do so, the pickups are fucked up. Like for the first time I am trying to delete a pickup it gets deleted, then the ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** No, very bad, as has been explained countless times! I see, I'll go change quite a bit of stuff now.
I have a global string size of 1250 which I bassicly use for everything except using it to format queries to execute them. I wonder, is it efficient? Is it bad? Or better?
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** That is usually caused by something crashing, often out-of-bounds array accesses. The crash detect plugin can detect many of these crashes (hence its na...
I am frustrated asf. I seriously don't know wtf is going on with this retarded /deletedealership command. Only the part where it supposed to delete it works, then everything that is supposed to happe...
Mhm-.. I see. So I need to use instead of the ID in this: pawn Код: mysql_format(dbHandle, query, sizeof(query), "DELETE FROM `dealerships` WHERE `DsID` = %d", id); with this? pawn Код: mys...
Here's my code, turns out this new code that you gave me works, it actually deletes it from the database. It also won't destroy the pickup. But when I attempt to buy a dealership it still says that th...
Quote: Originally Posted by rickisme Example pawn Код: mysql_tquery(dbHandle, "SELECT * FROM `dealerships`", "loadDEALERSHIPS");forward loadDEALERSHIPS();public loadDEALERSHIPS(){   ...
I'll elaborate. I have a dealership system, so I am trying to delete a dealership. So I entered a row id(For example row number 3 - id=3) or an id(DsID - elaborated more below) and then I use a query...
So I was wondering if it possible to delete a certain row in a table not using an auto-increment column. Like for example if I have 5 columns and I delete one dynamically in-game then it'd the id for ...
Quote: Originally Posted by ****** When you say "doesn't work", what exactly does it do, and what should it do? Also, you haven't declared "ZString" It is declared and it does work. I...
I am trying to check if the player is in range of one of the dealerships and it just doesn't work. I've encountered a problem like this one before I just don't know the solution now. pawn Код: YC...
Quote: Originally Posted by UltraScripter you can use || too No, you can't. Why? Because || is bassicly 'or'. It bassicly says, if 'this statement' /OR/ 'this statement' is true, proc...
Which line is 1419? Edit: There are too many fucked up things in both commands, I'd say just delete them both, start those commands over. Make sure you're doing everything correctly.
Quote: Originally Posted by astanalol wtf i get much error in old cmd PHP код: CMD:vdestroy(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] == 2.6) {      new testcar...
Phew, the whole code is fucked up. Here's a fix. I have only fixed the errors, I didn't check wether the command actually works. It should work though. pawn Код: CMD:sethp(playerid, params[], hel...