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Make the opening command delete the barrier, and create a new one with the new rotation, and when you close the barrier again, it deletes the object, and creates a new, closed one.
One reply......... Not. Check the textdraw names. If they're using the same name or something, they might get mixed with each other. There's also some filterscripts for showing car statistics, you c...
I more prefer dini. No idea why..
Quote: Originally Posted by Thrarod pawn Код: if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == 420) Just like this.
The 420 should probably be the vehicle id, not the model id.
Rewriting for MySQL takes shitloads of work, and there is no tutorial about how to do it. If you want to edit an existing script, you could download a script which is already supporting MySQL.
Isn't the OOC channel disable/enable command something like /noooc in all the GF edits?
You could try the "search" part of the forums. There is a couple of tutorials about making moving gates.
How do you save your skin in your script? And what script are you using? If you're using a GF edit, look for something like this: pawn Код: PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel] = X; About other scripts,...
pawn Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){    if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/help", true, 10) == 0)    {      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA33AA33, "This is a gang war server. There...
If you created that yourself, I guess you would've been on the forums for a while already, and know that bumping within one hour is not allowed. Wait until someone who can help with this will post a r...
pawn Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){  if(strcmp(cmdtext,"/go",true)==0)  {    MoveObject(lift,2446.0090332031, -1658.8232421875, 23.034029006958,10);    return 1;  } ...
Well the copy/paste from GF is a bit retarded if it's posted in a help thread regarding a completely different gamemode. But the GF script is compatible in some of the situations, like GF edits etc.
pawn Код: dcmd_fix(playerid, params[]) {    #pragma unused params    if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) {        SetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid),1000.0);RepairVehicle(GetPlay...
Hmm.. Keep on searching. I think there was one system like this. Even though it's stupid The car owners need to be added one by one, in the filterscript..
That's probably a textdraw, as someone already mentioned.
There's one thing I wonder.. Why do you want the normal players to be able to ban Sorry, offtopic..
If you got shitloads of objects, don't use an object streamer. They just make your server more laggy. Instead of an object streamer, use this