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Established Role Players (doesn't exist anymore, if someone put it up it's not real however) Erm.. Like June 2008
Quote: Originally Posted by iLinx How can you compare a 100-1000mbps, stable, direct connection to major peers and internet exchanges to a home connection which has at most, 1mbps upstream...
It doesn't matter, if you want quality and your computer sucks, it will lag.
Quote: Originally Posted by Rapgangsta There is no bugs, because its dont utilize any loop! It does, what do you think OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate is? And i highly doubt you won't be abl...
With 0.19mbps upload speed it's most likely your connection that causes the high ping, your download speed should be enough but better download will probably help some aswell.
He probably means player slots, and it all depends on your connection, a SA-MP server doesn't take very much of your computer (with an optimized script) and will run fine unless you use it for heavy g...
Quote: Originally Posted by SPAWN_METAL I have added server to hosted list But it still not in internet list Oo Don't worry, a server on the hosted list will not be on the Internet list...
Yeah, well some weapons are, just like in real life, able to use the same bullets while a Desert Eagle and a 9mm wouldn't use the same type of bullets.
Well i need new songs to listen to while driving, my radio antenna on my car broke (It's one of those who goes up when starting and down when shutting down, it kinda got sbuttuck so i figured i could...
First result http://www.******.se/#sclient=psy&hl...ginal+gta3.img
Quote: Originally Posted by Calg00ne You should note that Fraps only displays which FPS it can record at, not what FPS your game is actually running at. You're wrong. It shows the actua...
Quote: Originally Posted by Bakr Someone should make one huge hate thread and have everyone post their problems in there. That way we would cut down on some threads that are just seemingl...
Solution: Mod the game all you want, just do it right.
pawn Код: // In Spawner FS (TOP)new IsASpawnedCar[MAX_VEHICLES];// When the vehicle is created (Spawner FS)IsASpawnedCar[vehicleid] = 1; // Wherever is destroys when you leave// (Remove the other...
To be honest, both of your filterscripts are useless, those are, like you call them, basic commands. Those commands are the first commands people make so chances are that 99,9999% of everybody with a ...
Save the distance in an integer/float every second, and check if(distance+value >= distance+1)