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Hi, I have a video card "Geforce Gtx1050 2gb Oc Gddr5" I am using it with an AMD A10-7870k Radeon R7 processor. But they told me that it was not highly recommended to use the video card with that pro...
Quote: Originally Posted by Alteh Te harй una pregunta. El mapeo, їestб en el exterior o interior? Porque me conozco 2 mйtodos: 1- texturizar el objeto como invisible con reflejo (q...
Quote: Originally Posted by PilateGR Cк pode da uma olhada aqui. Mas tambйm pode testar essas duas textura e ver se sгo as que vocк estб procurando.. Obrigado, mas isso nгo reflet...
Quote: Originally Posted by zF3lKy3 Isso й mod GTA-SA Й um servidor samp 0.3.7 - R2 Impossнvel que seja um mod!
Olб, alguйm sabe o id do objeto que reflete ou a textura que eles usaram para fazer as coisas refletirem? Hola, alguien sabe el id del objeto que refleja o la textura que usaron para hacer que se r...
Quote: Originally Posted by Florin48 if you have map, import she to map editor and check id for object. If I had the map I would not ask for it
Hola, alguien sabe el id del objeto que refleja o la textura que usaron para hacer que se reflejen las cosas??? Hello, does anyone know the id of the object that reflects or the texture they used to ...
Hola, Alguien sabe porque sale esto en el log? Hello, Does anyone know why this is in the log? pawn Код: [18:27:55] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"[18:27:55] [debug] AMX b...
Hola, alguien sabe porque podrнa ser el crash cuando le pongo objetos a un vehнculo y voy por LSPD? •Hello, does anyone know why it could be the crash when I put objects in a vehicle and go throug...
Quote: Originally Posted by Grella here is include enjoy Thank you!!
Hello, try to compile the "Progress bar editor by Emmet_" but I get an error cannot read from file: "logger". Look for the "Logger" include, but I did not find it. Somebody could help me? Progress ...
Quote: Originally Posted by frouzen PHP код: IsPlayerInArea(playerid, Float:minx, Float:maxx, Float:miny, Float:maxy) {     new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;     GetPlay...
Quote: Originally Posted by FailerZ PHP код: new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z; GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z); if(x > InfoZone[i][gMin_x] && x < InfoZone[i]...
Hi, how can I detect if I am inside a GangZone? How to detect if I am within these coordinates? pawn Код: InfoZone[i][gMin_x]InfoZone[i][gMin_y]InfoZone[i][gMax_x]InfoZone[i][gMax_y] •••...
Quote: Originally Posted by Lucases 19945 Try it Thanks but it's very big, I need one of normal size, for one player. ••••••••••••••••••••â€...
Alguйm conhece o id do objeto que parece um ponto de controle? O 1317 й semelhante, mas й cinza, preciso do que й vermelho. •••••••••••••••••••••••â...
Does anyone know the id of the object that looks like a checkpoint? The 1317 is similar but it is gray, I need the one that is red.
Quote: Originally Posted by ZaturN SendClientMessageEx = SendClientMessage SendClientMessageToAll = SendClientMessageToAll ao meu ver nao muda nada, apenas o nome, mas a funcao continua a...