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Are these the lines from your gamemode or from As the error messages are coming from
My script is a little bit more complicated as it allows for live removals too (not just on server start) but yes you are on the right track. A basic implementation would be to use a variable to store ...
There is not one single way of doing this. Each game mode has it's own car system and it's own way of working. For anybody to be able to help you, you need to instruct us what GM you're using (and a l...
I have found that if you remove many objects at once from a player who already has the same objects removed, it can cause problems with players lagging / crashing. You are doing this if you're calling...
Looping through all players on -every- OnPlayerUpdate is a stupid thing to do, it will only cause stress on your server. You should use foreach by ******
Why send a message to the entire community about something that could have only been done by like 20 people? You will only recieve countless pointless answers.
Okay so let me just clear things up.. for my benefit.. and others. Shoutcast, Icecast etc are all great. Yet.. they add extra cost if you wish to operate them. So this adds the ability to create a s...
If you see them on multiple servers, then you've got a fucked up copy of GTA! Re install using a different source than last time (clearly you didn't buy the game).
To be fair you did ask the question in a stupid way but the answers you got from some people were not any better. Basically, he wants to be able to use a locally hosted SA-MP server while not connect...
PHP Code: <?php     function f1() {         ....Something here     }          function f2() {         ... and something here     } if( $_GET['func'...
Pretty snazzy. Keep it up (y)! Quote: This forum requires that you wait 120 seconds between posts.
I'm not racist but I find racist jokes funny, even ones about my own race. Anybody who gets offended about jokes about their race are just too touchy tbh. Quote: Originally Posted by SA-MP...
I did dig around to see if I could find it as I was testing it when it was being created but I don't think I have a copy of it anymore. is where you would find...
I havn't experienced this on my server personally but I am aware of it's existance. I remember years ago a server I was playing, I was driving in pershing square then literally a tornado was started,...
Just a hint, you can't connect to your own server using the WAN IP. Only other people can. You have to use your local IP. Place the IP here, and i guess if you actually leave it on, someone could see...
They once let me choose the port I wanted to use when I requested it, so I don't see why they wouldn't let you use a different version (0.3b or 0.2X or whatever). Don't expect any gameservers to keep...
If answer is a string, then you would use strcmp. If it's a integer, just use ==.
0054931641 looks to be the issue for me, that looks one wierd number. Why would a whole number need to start with 0? Or maybe you could change 0 to 0.0
Well this is just providing the framework, not any flashy features.
Why would you set query to 0? To hide it, you only need to set announce to 0. People will only see the server name if they know the IP, not by internet list or anything. If you're that concerned, j...