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Yea, you really got the right area to ask for that here. You suppose any scripter/mapper in here will give you a hint on how to steal their stuff? If you like a map, go and ask the owner/creator to gi...
The basic formula I use to calculate a point INFRONT of a player is: Код: x += 3 * floatsin(-a, degrees); y += 3 * floatcos(-a, degrees); As you want to get a point next to it instead of infront, ...
226 scroll down to the very bottom, you might be missing some libraries
If you exactly know how the text is supposed to look, as you obviously do, it is possible. Although not with "strfind" You can use the "strfind" function the way you do to find a starting position fro...
GetVehicleTrailer(vtID); You're using this function wrong Код: vtID = GetVehicleTrailer(vID);
convert the password input on the login attempt with the same hash, then compare the two hashed passwords
The first thing is not an error, but just a kind of "warning"... It's telling you to change to the mysqli system instead of the old mysql one... You can ignore it if you don't want to, or you could/sh...
You are missing a ; at $_UsersTable = "playerinfo"
Quote: Originally Posted by vignesh007 Where can I download GTA san ?? Trustful link if any You can (legally and paid) download it e.g. at steam or "Free downloads" (aka illega...
The function names should not be listed as "includes", as they are part of an include... E.g. from one of my codes: Код: #include <a_samp> #include <a_mysql> #include <zcmd> #inc...
I will not "post a working command here", but what you could do on your own to figure out the faulty spot is adding debug messages into your script (or use jernejl's plugin for that matter) You could ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Mo123 So I should remove them? And do I remove remove the whole code or just the line? Where did you get that script from? If you downloaded it from anywhere...
I'd always choose a VPS rather than a regular host. You have more freedoms and flexibility. You are not limited to mysql db restriction or other restrictions + you can run free TS or webservers on the...
less than $1/month wouldn't provide you with any serious VPS... if you aren't looking for anything really useable, you could just take a free VPS... you can find some on ******.
Quote: Originally Posted by illuminati2 You can do this instead, (No need to declare player level to set it to 0) Код: new MAX_PLAYERS = 0; You didn't understand what I tried to sa...
I'd be careful doing it this way. If you create variables that use "MAX_PLAYERS" as array size (which 99% of all scripts do), you are going create a variable with an array size of "0". Either you have...
Quote: Originally Posted by blinkpnk The code is actually: Код: pawn Код: stock GetDistance( Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:z1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:z2 ){    return floatround...
These information are not stored in the script but in the "server.cfg" That file should be in your server folder, open it with an editor and edit the lines "weburl " and "hostname"