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pawn Код: // on player connect or anywhere you'd likeTextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, MainMenuTxtdraw[7] );
Money is an amount. You are using string instead of an integer. Replace the following: pawn Код: if(sscanf(params, "us", pID, kolicina))return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""BOJA_PLAVA"[Info]"...
Thank you; ALT + SHIFT worked well FalconX
It worked for me when I moved my filter script to the first in server.cfg of the root of your server. Give it a try: filterscripts dialog other script Regards FalconX
I believe it can be either used as integer or hex, doesn't matter. You may use h, x or i itself as a specifier in sscanf; for more information you may check the following link:
Quote: Originally Posted by alimash One idea for your problem : Buy a wireless keyboard ( maybe can work because i think your keyboard is crashed ) Keyboard is not really an issue. Yo...
Quote: Originally Posted by alimash The problem is from your keyboard Do you use CP or laptop ? Didn't help me, anyone else? Quote: This is not a samp problem, I get the sa...
Well, I am here to ask you all about the problem I am currently experiencing. The problem is that this bug came out of no where. The keys get exchanged with each other. For instance, z is y and y is z...
pawn Код: cmd_weapons(playerid,"params"), SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF000000, "[ERROR]: You are not a RCON admin"); && (AND) and || (OR) are used in comparisons operators (Control Str...
Quote: Originally Posted by Petricko I know that, but I need to check when the player robing could not keep the ESC menu... This is what I want so I can not do this way ... As far as I ...
pawn Код: #include <a_samp>#include <zcmd>#include <foreach>#include <sscanf2>#define DEFAULT_TICKET_NUMBER_1         (4)#define DEFAULT_TICKET_NUMBER_2         (10...
Quote: Originally Posted by Henix its poseble to neotralize whit times (cca1sec refresh) but i think this is not so good idea for dialogs, ESC works as the right button of the dialog. ...
pawn Код: CMD:report(playerid, params[]){    new        iPlayer,        szReport[ 128 ] // it's szReport    ;    if( sscanf( params, "rs[118]", iPlayer, szReport )) // szReport    ...
Quote: Originally Posted by RiChArD_A Thank you! haha already banned tha IP and well... now I'll have to unban it. Thanks! (can't give any rep+ now because I ran out of rep for this 24H) ...
Quote: Originally Posted by dugi It often happens after someone time outs or when they have some internet issues. It's not an attack so its nothing to worry about.
Quote: Originally Posted by Ballu Miaa Yeah man i got your point. I dont need to check it for each minute. I can reset it all the time and keep the loop running. You really helped me alot....
Quote: Originally Posted by SilverKiller You should use printf for that. yes it's printf; it was a typo lol.
To do that, you should format the string. And the print thing, pawn Код: printf( "%s - %s %s Loaded", CName, Name, Version ); // if version is in numbers use %d instead of %s make you define all...
Quote: Originally Posted by FalconeX Do anyone know some script where you can buy your vehicle in a dialog (also with ownership) or how to make... You may use the search button. And th...