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Isnt there too much of it?
Код: public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]) { Commands begin... Код: if(strcmp(cmd, "/givecash", true) == 0) { new tmp[256]; tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx); if(!strlen(tmp)) { ...
Hello, I face a problem. Any command I type that isnt in my script returns with USAGE: /givecash [playerid] message instead SERVER: Unknown Command message. Any ideas why does that happen?
Any suggestions please? :P
Thanks. But how am I supposed to drive it? I can't drive the train, I'll assume it is a vehicle you cannot drive. Does it need to be scripted? If yes, any ideas how?
Indeed, but do you have at least a solution for me? :P Or someone else please? I really need a train ;/
Hello, I wonder if it's possible I saw it on a video. A tram was enterable and could be driven on SF Tracks by a player. Could it be possible to spawn a tram and possibly make it enterable? I was thin...
Hello, I have never spawned a train before but today I am trying to spawn one. How can I spawn a train on the other side of the tracks, which is a Freight Train with selected trailers? For example, so...
Hello there, I have a following problem. I am using Antironix House System. Problem is, when I buy a house, the cash returns to the account when the player returns to the server and logs back in. Thi...
[center][color=blue]..:: [MAP] Country Airport ::.. [center][color=red][size=10pt]..:: By Puzi ::.. Hello, this is my next map that I have made and made public. This is a Country Airport and is locat...
Oh yeah, I remember now. Great gamemode... It's only the bridge tho that was the same @Tony_Prince: I don't think you need a teleport, it is just offshore Bayside like DeltaAirlines12 said.
Код: public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) { if(modelid == 574) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "*** Witamy w Sweeper'ze. Możesz tym czyscić ulice, zara...
What do you mean? I mean that the User Accounts are saved directly into scriptfiles folder with Cash=Amount inside them. It does not work on either ''money'' or ''Cash''. And the house information is...
That does not work at all. My command looks like this now: Код: dcmd_buy(playerid,params[]) { #pragma unused params new str[255],str1[255],pname[24], housenumber; housenumber = GetHouseID(pla...
Код: dini_Set(str1, "Name", pname); Replace this with yours or what?
How to subtract that? I think it is there because it takes the money away :P But I aint sure tbh. This is what it is... Код: dcmd_buy(playerid,params[]) { #pragma unused params new str[255],st...
Hey, I have a problem. I have made a register and login system using DUDB and DINI, following a tutorial, and I have downloaded Antronix House System. Unfortunately, when I buy a house, it takes the m...
He meant: