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Hi, i would life to make a slap cmd, which with this I try to prevent health hackers. What it should do is, an admin type /slap [player id] And the player go got slaped set his position in a really hi...
Hi, i got a problem. When the player is selecting the skin he wasnt to use, the little player shows up but with the back =/ I got this pawn Код: SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2323.9988, 1283.1218, 98.83...
I did that and i got this error: Код: C:\Users\Parrilla\Desktop\SAR\gamemodes\SAR.pwn(142) : error 002: only a single statement (or expression) can follow each "case" EDIT: Fixed
what i have done is: pawn Код: public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid){    SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2323.6460, 1283.2372, 97.8800);    SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1958.3783, 1343.1572, 1...
continue without an ideao on how to doit :`( Please someone help me, or at least give me a link on where i can learn it =D
Hi, what I need to know is how to make when a player conects apears some skins, and below it is something like <<< ok >>> I dunno how is called =P but hope you understand me =) S...
but, how it will look already in pawn?
I need help on this =P i want that when a player achieves 1 hour online, he gets 1 score point
Hi, I want to make some messages that in 3 mins a message appears, on others 3 minutes a Game Text appears, in others 3 mins another diferent message... and so on. Please help
Create your map, then test it and do /save inside the interior what you have made, then go to pawn and use: pawn Код: if (strcmp("/interior", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)        {          Â...
Quote: Originally Posted by Dwane Which one is the line 283? This: pawn Код: if(!strlen(inputtext)) return ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_REGISTER, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_GREE...
Can someone please help me fixing this errors: Код: C:\Users\Parrilla\Desktop\SAR\gamemodes\SAR.pwn(283) : error 001: expected token: "-string end-", but found "-identifier-" C:\Users\Parrilla\De...
Quote: Originally Posted by [D]ry[D]esert you can use in game creater for easy way. Click me Thanks dude =D
Hi, I need some help on textdraws. If its possible can someone teach me that?
Hi! i just got a mac. I installed GTA SA, but i cant make SA-MP work. Please help me with it, i really need it
I have been working on a /work cmd. My server is about pilots. What i want to do is that when i do /work set the working checkpoint at the nearest point i am. But i get this errors: Код: C:\Users...
try to make it on a filterscript, it might work. once on ig you can do /rcon loadfs [name of filterscript] to load it. and if it doesnt work you can try /rcon reloadfs [name] if it worked give +rep
Ok, i will use atltsmax' script as an example. new PickedClass[MAX_PLAYERS]; (here, it checks if its in a class) public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) (here it makes the serve...