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and also a textdraw for level/exp/hours
and obviously if 3 times in a row, then add another if at the beginning of onPlayerCommandText something like: pawn Код: if(!strcmp(cmd, "/command", true) == 0){timesused[playerid] = 0;}
well one thing: don't use enum for 1 value, it's a waste of lines, really... you would probably be better off with doing pawn Код: new pBank[MAX_PLAYERS]; , however instead of MAX_PLAYERS i sugges...
althought i like the highlighting in pawn, but forgive me, for i haven't been into sa-mp/pawn/kye for 2 years
well doesn't make that much difference when it comes to making out code from the context, does it?
and for Kye's sake, use
we're not here to give you free code, there are other people for that but they take $ if y0u're interested in further scripting you should.. no, you MUST understand pawno
i would seriously suggest for everyone who scripts to first understand what each line does and how it can be altered before posting on the forums..
great dude keep it coming, i live seeing people do their best
so bassicaly your script freezes a player when they spawn and they cannot move, so you have to unfreeze them manually? if so then you should provide us with the code.
well it was that way in the first post so you just used the check the way he did it, and he had done it with error, so... anyway keep helping them fellows
one thing: >= 0? doesn't that include those who aren't SAPD too?
if by help you expect us to hand out code then by reading my post i will not help you that much. well first of all you should know how to check if something is true. first of all you should check if...
by plus i assume you mean add up, or sum. well i haven't heard of an mysql function that does that, so you should : 1. Extract data 2. Alter it (in your case, sum, add up, plus, what is needed) 3. Upd...
first of all, i would like to ask why make an array of 128 when a color cannot be any longer than 4 symbols (more or less) ?
well, i would say that car "names" are defined inside a text file which contains all the vehicles, their pos, possibly mods and names. instead of puting that code in the script, you should break it up...
idea find a function that is called often or is called when one switches between weapons (sorry it's been a while since i scritped sa-mp (about 2 years)) and make it so that he gets his weapon switch...