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If you don't have any knowledge on any coding, I'd suggest you to start with plain simple coding tutorials, like in C, C++, Java or anything else. Once you get a grasp on how basics work, you can foll...
Quote: Originally Posted by Calgon Many ISPs still don't offer IPv6 to customers, not really worth bothering. Exactly. I'm not sure if any ISP uses IPv6 here in Croatia.
Omggg Kalcor, you even made tutorials for Blender and other tools, I love you man! Thank you so much for this update!!
Quote: Originally Posted by pollo97 Код: //You must pass the id of player you want to kick forward KickPlayer(playerid); public KickPlayer(playerid) { //Here you get the name of...
Glad to see you back here I'm 21 and from Croatia.
I would do it like this: pawn Код: new VIPExpire[MAX_PLAYERS];// under command for giving a vip statusVIPExpire[playerid] = gettime() + days * 86400; // 86400 seconds = one day This would use unix ...
You've clearly copied this from somewhere. Since the command is using a dialog to select which vehicle to spawn, you need to do something under OnDialogResponse.
It's all on the wiki under SendClientMessage: pawn Код: If a message is longer than 144 characters, it will not be sent. Truncation can be used to prevent this. Displaying a message on multiple lin...
Where is SCSD defined? I can see you are using "SDInfo[SCSD][LNAME], SDInfo[SCSD][LID]". That second brackets should contain some ID (like SDInfo[1][LID]), not the defined value of max classes or wha...
You use some map editor to position all those models, like Editor: Or you can even use MTA's map editor but it won't contain samp objects and you c...
Lots of objects with changed textures which you can change using Texture Studio. Here's the link if you need it:
Just set every hID to -1 and then load the houses. Loaded houses will have it's index that will be loaded, all other houses that are not loaded will be able to be created because their hID will be -1....
Well, every hID is initialized to 0 by default and you are checking if it's equal to -1, since it will never be -1, you are always getting a message that all the house slots are full. Do something lik...
Are you setting hID of each house to INVALID_HOUSE_ID when starting the server and under deleting houses?
Quote: Originally Posted by AmigaBlizzard Nice render. I also rendered something on my Amiga1200 computer more than 15 years ago: Th...
Thanks for all your support. I've used Blender to make it. This is improved version: EDIT: This is my first character:
Quote: Originally Posted by DarkLored It actually looks nice, good job creating this nice render image. Thank you very much!
Quote: Originally Posted by Sellize Nice job. Happy holidays to you aswell. Thanks mate!
Hey guys! This is my first low-poly isometric render I've ever created. What do you think? Oh, and happy holidays!