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pawn Код:
CMD:shopmenu(playerid, params[]){ #pragma unused params if(Dead[playerid] == 1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You cant Use This Cmd when Dead."); if(IsPla...
hi i made shop with easy textdraw, i use the command the textdraw show but i wont get the thing i try to buy,
example if i do /shopmenu
the textdraw comes up
#1 health
#2 armor
when i type 1...
from where u want to see? it is alot
when i create my stats with player textdraw and type /stats id in-game it dont show up, but if i do it like
TextDrawShowForPlayer(textdraw1); then it work, why
Can any one plz help me with example on like if player is jailed with 5 minutes, he quit and when he join again he still in jail with the same time he quit, i want to do this so no player can abuse ja...
This if i use on player who is in interior, i just spawn in air, it dont set me to the interior, my interior is alwyes id 0
pawn Код:
GetPlayerPos(playerid, GotoX[playerid], GotoY[playerid], Got...
Ok so i move my all fs to my gm, i have cmds with textdraw,, one of them is /playertd (text) and it will show textdraw to player,, but it dont show up when i type it, what can problem be? i have no ot...
This object seems to kill very slow i want that it to be fast and it can even kill when you are in a car