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Your arn't asking for help, but a finished code, try to makeing it yourself atleast, then ask for help if it dosn't work.
Hi, i have problem with a command, which keeps returning "Server: Unknown command" and i can't seem to find out why it does so.
pawn Код:
dcmd_setteam(playerid, params[]) { new pi...
I already have that on top of my script, that's why i find it wierd, that i would get this error, as i have other commands that actually works.
EDIT: I found the problem, i forgot a bracket in the c...
Hello, i have just returned to scripting after a break, but when i was makeing a command with dcmd, i suddenly ran into a problem i couldn't remember haveing before.
I made this command:
Originally Posted by JaTochNietDan
The problem is in your syntax, not in the MySQL check.
pawn Код:
dcmd_register(playerid,params[]){ new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPl...
Lol, thanks.. I feel dumb i forgot to turn on wamp
But thank you so much!
It does still let me keep on register new accounts with the same name.
Hi, i've started to use mysql, but i have a problem.
How can i use mysql to check every registered username that are in my database?
Like i joined my server with the name "Naxix" then i want the data...
I'm not sure if this is possible, but try with:
pawn Код:
OnPlayerDeath(){ for(new i = 0;i<GetMaxPlayers();i++) { if(admin[i] > 0) // Replace with your admin v...
Hi, i've just began useing mysql, so i was wondering, if i ever was to get my server online. How should i "implant" mysql, like if we say i buy a server, i guess there is no mysql database, so where w...
I just moved it to another folder and puted in the "//" in front of the define
I know.. But you have any idea what it could be?
Hi, i've finally pulled myself together to learn mysql. So i followed [HiC]TheKiller's tutorial, so it's just to save password,ip,score,kills and deaths, a register/login system. But when i load it as...
Hi, i was wondering if it's possible to increase the distance you have to be in to see the little sandy dot from "SetVehicleParamsForPlayer" cos i have get quite close, and i wanted it to be bigger, i...
I guess it's called right after OnPlayerRequestClass?
Edited: I readed wrong
Thanks, it still wont let me spawn though.. So it's properly something else, though i can't find anything that should relate to that.
Hey, i have been trying to fix my "team balancer" but it keeps being bugged.
I wont allow me to spawn.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid){ if(Cmafia >= MafiaFull) { ...