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Hey, just a note, it's not really acceptable to steal source code from open source projects, the whole timer source of your project here is whiped straight from VC-Players (Located here:http://code.**...
Originally Posted by LucoC
Do you use a plugin that you are missing in the .dll state?
It was a plugin issue thanks
I moved my server from a linux host to a windows host and for some reason the filterscripts do not work ..?They say there loaded but there not
Im glad ya got a friend but just because you play his server dont mean you know every hing the guy dose the way your acting tells me your probley one of his scripters
Originally Posted by [TGR]beastboy[ES]
this was an un needed topic. and he sent it to you not everyone.
and you read all his outgoing messages do you. are you his mom
Originally Posted by ikarus
Okay, I'm sorry.
I just saw someone in my server with name similar to yours and he told me he's from the samp forum.
I'm not trying to make you to go in ...
I keep getting pm messages this guys must be sending the same one to everyone because this is the second time i got it I dont play any other games except for the server i created 2 years ago Dont send...
Originally Posted by Victor_Shotten
Out of nowhere Iam having a login error.. It freezes at the login screen. And I dont know what is causing the problem.. Can anybody help?
If y...
Originally Posted by Paul1797
not work.....
I have took a look a the lux script and tested it the code you need to use is
#define VehicleMaxSpeed 50
if you cant find it then ...
chances of finding a free scripter to script a rp game mode for free is 0 to none .Your best bet is to download a gamemode from the gm secion and edit or use one of there gamemodes
look for the code in the speedo script that looks like this and change it to what ever you want
#define VehicleMaxSpeed 999999999
I know as a server owner my self I would update and use a a updated sa-mp server ban list
read this topic most like it will fix your problem
Originally Posted by gangestergta
Ive had same problem so i just bought a dedicated server :>
any recommendations on where i can buy a dedi maby pm me ?
Originally Posted by RayW
No, Partyserver has been having this issue for a while, which is also hosted by serverFFS. We just did an experiment on Partyserver. We ran a barebone scri...
Originally Posted by RoBo
If you don't like the service then why do you use the company?
Well i am in the process of buying a dedicated server to run my server on The reason for...
Originally Posted by BP13
On their main page is says they use quad dual-cores or something. I don't think it applies to SA:MP servers. I also moved from ServerHex but it was because...
Originally Posted by BP13
Yeah that's total BS lies about CPU from support. Whats this then?
Wed Mar 31 20:34:41 CEST 2010 :: Server is using excessive CPU, please optimize your ga...
I my self have used two different server hosts the first being serverhex hosting and the second being serverffs.
I was with serverhex for about 5 months and never had a problem with my game mode resta...