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Made the thread more readable. It had no spaces between punctuations wich probably made it very annoying . And people claimed it's a good tutorial. It was written 3 years ago, and my english was not p...
I have a really big problem and I have no idea how to fix it, I tried and tried but to no avail. I have bought a server a few months ago at L*******Host, and it was working perfectly, but then, 1 mont...
pawn Код:
if(!sscanf(params, "s", msg))
Change it to:
pawn Код:
if(sscanf(params, "s[128]", msg))
I am using that and for instance I've only had problems at the login screen, it once banned someone, why, I have no idea, but I made a check to see if the player is spawned and logged in, and I had no...
Yes, here you go, for the train. Also, use PutPlayerInVehicle, after the player logs in, and RemovePlayerFromVehicle, when he stops at the station. SO, yeah, the train:
Originally Posted by Micius
Did you even read what i wrote?
Maybe he didn't. HOWEVER, I won't be giving you the code, because it's just long I guess, I mean it's not hard, but it...
To be really honest with you, this problem is really strange, I never ever called myself a PRO, but your problem makes me look stupid, I can't see what the problem is. The only thing I can ask you is ...
Do you have this somewhere at the top of your script, search for it? IF NOT, add it and recompile your script.
pawn Код:
new gPlayerLogged[MAX_PLAYERS];
Hmm, don't try to restart server, try to log off, and log back ON. Trust me, I know what I'm saying. If the results will be positive, then your code is OKAY, in order for data to save when there's a s...
Hmm, show us function Name.
Please post the error line, and also, change the title of your topic, it's way to long!
You mean when the missile hits an object, not when the vehicle hits an object, right?
It's much better to use timers for Anti-Cheat systems, much more efficient than OnPlayerUpdate. HOWEVER, yeah, it's a nice basic tutorial for beginners.
FIRST thing first, you still haven't defined the variables X, Y, Z and angle. BESIDES that, understand that inside a function when you're passing the variable as param for the function, you DON'T NEED...
Add this before the "siwtch":
pawn Код:
new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:angle;GetPlayerPos(playerid,X,Y,Z);GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid,angle);
AND I guess you find it mega-ultra-super hard to make a tiemer that would drop the player's HP. When you said you have the COMMAND I thought you have something at least just a little bit advanced -.- ...
I guess this should work, tell me the results:
pawn Код:
forward SetPlayerOnFire(playerid);new FireObject[MAX_PLAYERS];public SetPlayerOnFire(playerid){ FireObject[playerid]=SetPlayerAttache...
DO NOT CREATE a new topic, that reffers to the same problem, YOU already have one same topic!
Originally Posted by nickyW
I did not understand you, but I will try to help you.
//GameTextForPlayer with timer
pawn Код:
new GameTextTimer;forward GameTextTimer();public OnGa...
Use SetTimerEx, if you want to make the timer separate for each player. This is the easiest way for newbies to learn, HOWEVER, I guess you can use "y_timers" if you wish(I am not sure however, just **...