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Prebuilt desktop are waste of potential , you should get individual parts for a better gaming Rig.
Although the PC spec you mentioned are pretty decent but there is no Dedicate GPU. Which is a must.
it happenes when you get teleported outside map limit like 9999,9999,9999 or some similar coordinate. (By teleport maybe camera position or physically).
kind of like 2nd clip in this video: https://w...
Battlefield 4 - Over 2k Hrs
Battlefield 3 - Over 100 Hrs
Teamfortress 2 - Around 100 hrs
Dirty BOMB - Around 60 Hrs
CS:GO - Around 60 Hrs
no nothing wrong with drivers. But i think the latest driver which got downloaded through windows updates did fucked up some stuff. But the initial release is all good.
Anyway dont cancel Nvidia. Not...
this is so epic news. i am a huge fan of the game
look at those Russian RP servers xD having about 3k players on average
Good work with chart, really good
RIP. really loved his work. Never forget
Fallout 4, Dishonored 2 .. and much more. Excitement still rising
I just want a Teaser from EA for Battlefield 5 (which i doubt is possible)
Originally Posted by Saurik
Mods are the main reason people get this game for PC
agreed but somewhat Mods includes everything that alter / changes the game. So it can be some che...
afaik it only work with 1D array.
Read here:
Note: " ....... When you know you don't need negative values and won't ever exceed 255 ......."
omg this is hugee! but yeah nice work with restoration
Originally Posted by Jansish
i never bought into the avengers hype but batfleck looks so tank, who agree?
For movies. This year avengers next year B v S simple
I am int...
Reason is simple cuz the image you editing isn't just an image. It is a texture that is applied to a 3d model. It isn't like a direct overlay. You need to find parts of the image, there position ingam...
Hey thanks again Misuir for this thread. Yes it should be stickied as it can help us to keep track of all amazing stuff ****** gave, easily.
yea i know thats really sad news.
I am now seeing some of his Threads which i never noticed or even knew. Like this 'State Machines Tutorial' really interesting.
Originally Posted by...
GTX 970 is fully DirectX 12 supported so expect a performance boost when it releases.
+ 290x is power house. much heat and power consumption as compared to 970.
i would recommend newer gpu always whi...
290x is now a bit outdated.
But 970 is a beast card and such an efficiency is amazing. If you can afford it get it!
I want to make a suggestion . how about make a thread to keep track of all of his Releases being Restored and Links with sections and subsections (Plugins - Lobraries - SubLibraries)
I would be reall...
you need to know 3D editing quite alot.. and really much experience is needed! (for doing it from scratch)
Otherwise you can follow some tutorials and edit it more easily
Originally Posted by Crayder
Glad to see this Emmet_. One thing that really disappoints me about this thread (not in particular, just sscanf) is that he never released 3.0 (which I ...