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Can't remember this simple thing. What line to add in my script to fill in something at the map, it says - now. Thanks already!!
Hello, I got a clearchat command for admins to clear all players chats. Now I want to make it for the person who uses it to only clear his chat. I'm still learning and can't get it working, whats wron...
Hello, I created a /sethp command, it works fine, it just shows my HP has been set to 3284234928, while it gives the right amount of HP. Код: CMD:sethp(playerid, params[]) { static userid, ...
Already did, didn't work.
Code: C:\Users\'Maikel\Desktop\blabla\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "TEXT_DRAW_FONT_MODEL_PREVIEW" C:\Users\'Maikel\Desktop\blabla\pawno\include\ ...
Hello, i'm got a command so I can drive any car up on a dft truck, problem is it will fall off when taking corners, is there any way to ''freeze'' the vehicle standing on the dft? Note; Something el...
Hey, I deleted my coplicense, and now im getting errorz. Am tired and don't know what to do . (53831 -- 5383 : error 001: expected token: ",", but found ";" pawn Код: mysql_format(dbhandle, q...
U got all files updated to 0.3z?
I hope that's right, can't test it right now. What I tried to say. I got a Admin system and Mod system Admin : pAdmin == 1-6, pMod == 0. Mod : pAdmin == 0, pMod == 1. When I have: if(PlayerInfo[pl...
Hey, how do I make this code able to work with Admin and Mod only? I know I can do ''if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >= 1 || PlayerInfo[playerid][pMod] == 1)'' but that won't work, because I also n...
C:\Users\'Maikel\Desktop\JRP MYSQL 0.3Z\gamemodes\jrp03z.pwn(30937) : warning 209: function "@_yCajail" should return a value C:\Users\'Maikel\Desktop\JRP MYSQL 0.3Z\gamemodes\jrp03z.pwn(30979) : warn...
[19:52:49] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds" [19:52:49] [debug] Accessing element at index 29 past array upper bound 9 [19:52:49] [debug] Backtrace: [19:52:49] [debug] #0 001f7f10 ...
It just says ''SERVER: Unknown command.'', instead of displaying my stats, with this command only mine should be showed tho. I got a /check command to check other's stats, just so you know :P.
Got a new problem, after making a admin jail system the /stats command won't work anymore.. it says ''Server: command does not exist'' or something like that. pawn Код: YCMD:stats(playerid, para...
Thanks, that was not my problem tho, but it fixed my problem actually, the messages didn't display o.0...