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May I be banned with a "retardation" reason please? Thanks in advance!
Configurable data should be allowed to change from the text file (*.ini configuration file) located in scriptfiles folder. Not from the code itself. There may still be people that don't know how to co...
Quote: Originally Posted by Logic_ That is just like LS-RP... They don't have a use for DL version except for some skins or objects. EDIT: I just remembered there was some guy making Engl...
Quote: Originally Posted by DavidMurphy No...what l mean is that when the character stands on an object while shooting,not shooting at the object... What? I'm trying to understand what'...
Quote: Originally Posted by SymonClash Stupid question: What's the point on hiding textdraw codes? Stupid answer: This is not hiding, this is showing the quantity.
Quote: Originally Posted by Pottus I can almost guarantee you are using TD's incorrectly then. You must have a shit load of player td's that should actually be global. 100 global and 235 p...
3,447 I'm at the limit nearly. I could be over the limit already, if I didn't switch onto global tds with arrays.
@Hayran_Tavares, your mapping looks really decent. Are you up for mapping in certain project and purposes?
Quote: Originally Posted by J0sh... Its obvious that you're no longer motivated with SA-MP, I get it, you've been at it for more than 13 years now. But why don't you give it to some Beta ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kasichok Time script [image]...[/image] PHP Code: #include <a_samp> static timer; static Text:time; public OnFilterScriptInit() {     ti...
Hello, Since Kalcor has decided to be more active at forums recently, I have decided to report two of the many bugs. --- #1 One of the messages from 2010: Quote: Originally Posted by Riddi...
Only if SA-MP had a native with textdraw rotation feature...
Those commands don't call OnGameModeExit callback. Ctrl + C (which is for closing Windows Console shortcut) does. Quote: Originally Posted by Wiki Description: This callback is called when...
Quote: Originally Posted by OKStyle About anticheats. Russian servers do not give any feedback because they are accustomed to cope with their own forces with cheaters and not run to compla...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor Float back down to Earth for a second. Server owners have more control than I do. I usually just respond to what server owners are trying to do. That's ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Kalcor The 0.2.5 source was hacked from our server via computer intrusion. Anyone releasing software based on that code is involved in a criminal conspiracy aga...
Quote: Originally Posted by KinderClans You're an arrogant toxic person. Nobody insulted you personally, you should do the same. Learn to respect people. The only one who got disabilitie...
I am willing to bump this thread just to clarify something.. The project has begun back in 2014 December when I was living back in the UK on my own, where days were rainy and boring as hell. I was a...
Animations data: LIBRARY | NAME | INDEX Data I wanted to put that up on wiki page, but apparently people are unable to login to wiki. ---- I was looking for that, ...