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Is anyone else having trouble with spectating someone inside an interior? I don't have access to code at the moment but I simply set the player's interior and virtual world to the targets', and then u...
Streamer_Update(playerid, type = 0 = TYPE_OBJECT);
Pretty sure It's a SAMP issue, your code is fine.
Those two commands are already defined somewhere in your script.
Ran into a problem: Code: > Executing task in folder 0.3.8 RP: I:\0.3.8 RP\pawno\pawncc.exe gamemodes/rp.pwn < 'I:\0.3.8' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Skream pawn Код: AddSimpleModel(-1,19379, -10000, "cellphone.dff", "cellphone.txd"); In that case what 19379 stands for? (I already have the .dff and .txd ...
Why does SAMP Query socket only allows up to 100 players? It's also restricted on the samp client itself but when using PHP sockets as well, which is annoying. I'm creating an API for a server which h...
tquery for when you have long and complex queries which shouldn't interfere with the server's main thread.
tquery is added to a queue which gets executed in a thread separated from the SAMP server, while pquery is sent immediately. pquery can be frantically dangerous for use if you depend on results from a...
Most scripts use sscanf, you can do something as simple as: pawn Код: isNumeric(const str[]) return !sscanf(str, "{d}");
Set the player's team to 1 upon connecting, this way no damage will be done but the callback will still get called and the amount value still holds the damage it's given. So just simply do whatever yo...
Are there any tutorials about the usage of emit? I'm looking to learn on how this code works; pawn Code: stock SendClientMessageEx(playerid, color, const text[], {Float, _}:...){    static     ...
Quote: Originally Posted by SkittlesAreFalling You can add any plugin and call any "public" function. I added the streamer plugin in the server config and also the blank gamemode but wh...
Will there be a streamer support in your plugin?
hook callbackname(args) { return 1; }
Quote: Originally Posted by Drake1994 Well, to tell the truth I no longer updating the plugin (because I thought nobody use it) and I already give this project away to SkittlesAreFalling. ...
Textdraws have a problem as well, would be nice if you could fix it; I converted my pawn gamemode to Lua completely but the textdraws are the only issue. pawn Код: addEventHandler("onScriptInit"...
For some reason, math. functions don't seem to work properly. Or specifically, math.random. EDIT: nevermind, figured out you need to call a seed before using it.
I've never really used SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer, right now i'm trying to make a function so that it hides the player's marker on the radar but the color remains the same, however it works partially. F...
Simply code this whole batch of code into a separate samp timer, if you don't know how to use regular timers then read it on samp wiki, it's easy. pawn Код: SetTimer("SecondTimer", 1000, true);fo...