Search Results
They are all get bandwith limit but when i check bandwith i see: 0.17/10GB / 0.09/10GB / 0.05/10GB and they say Bandwith limit on all my website but it's not a bandwith limit. I think it's a big erro...
Hello All
I've use ServerFFS since 1 year without any problem and since 6 months, i send some ticket support and they didn't respond but i don't got really a big problem before but yesterday, i've us...
Originally Posted by Krx17
If you would've read my post properly you would have scene the words "big" and "mods" together. kthxbai
I tell you it can be compatible! But i don't kn...
Originally Posted by lilswizy
Krx ur wrong because I can Use GTA IV textures and roads, Los Santos Snow Mod and Snow falling FX and nothing is wrong.
Then how to make Project obl...
I think , we can try to make it compatible, maybe need to only add new plants, but not the islands and cave.
I hope one know how to do that
I have downloaded Project Oblivion 2010 HQ! All is good in the single player but when i start game in sa:mp it crash directly...I think it's maybe because some new objects is added like islands but ca...
IRC Admin FS Help
Hi All,
I have use the Search tool but i didn't find any thread for IRC Admin FS...
Who can help me?
Thank in Advance
IRC Admin FS Help
Hi All,
I have use the Search tool but i didn't find any thread for IRC Admin FS...
Who can help me?
Thank in Advance
Yes you can but i think ( me don't sure )
The vehicle is saved.
When you restart the server see if vehicle saved in position , if not
Not worry and don't confuse
Best use:
Hi All,
Who have good hydra skin !?
I search but i don't find good hydra skin
Thank you in advance!
I have already register system...but i want save stats commands for save stats when you want...before disconnect
I don't want stats commands...
I want save stats commands.
thank you as well.
How to create commands for save the stats?
I know how to make commands but i don't know how to make commands for save the stats when guy use this commands.
Thank's In Advance!
Originally Posted by Antonio (
All my /opengate and /closegate commands are going wack, items arent appearing, some items are appearing if different positions...
You can create check point in the building
For after the player go to the building for exit.
Or if you want just admin can exit it.
You create with a exception.
IfPlayerIsAdmin (Just Example)
Originally Posted by Tony1337
Alright, can you give me a example?
pawn Code:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid){ SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, X, Y, Z, 3.0); return 1;} public...
Originally Posted by _Jay_
There are many many reasons that could cause a server to crash - from too many timers or code being executed on a regular basis, to simple coding mistakes...
Originally Posted by adsy
have you modified your code in any way? Yes
have you got the latest release server version? Yes
have you contacted serverffs? No
have you checked the serve...