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Getting an issue. I created 4 clickable textdraws. When testing: I put my mouse anywhere on the screen and all gets selected and highlighted. Here's and example of the problem. I also ****** searche...
Nice one. Which MySQL version is it using by the way?
Quote: Originally Posted by Konstantinos You did not mention what version of mysql you are using. This "piece of code" is for the latest versions: PHP код: // in a command to l...
Hey there, i wanted to know how to list all rows in a table and show it into a dialog. Like showing all the clans in a dialog from a table. I just want a piece of code on how to do it. - Thanks in ...
Quote: Originally Posted by Naresh well i would suggest to backup inportant data and Re-Install ur OS it should fix ur prob Hope it does ! +Rep if worked :P Tried to backup, but when i...
Quote: Originally Posted by Ahmad45123 Lol thats weird, Probably an app removing it, Check your apps and remove anything suspicious/unknown. Sometimes, by itself, it gets restored. It's...
Hello guys, i'm experiencing a very weird problem. I can't play samp because of that. The problem is, my GMA Driver is getting deleted by itself. Any fix for that? - Thanks in advance.
Why you still use DB_ESCAPE? Since the new 0.3.7 version, you can now use the '%q' specifier.
There is a way. I saw it in a server.
Hey guys, i'm experiencing a weird problem in my monitor. The problem is the screen zooms in by itself when i switch on my PC and sometimes zooms out by itself when i switch on my PC. All the desktop...
Good job, need more indentation and also use the '%e' specifiers instead of the '%s' specifiers to auto-escape the string.
PHP код: YCMD:v_park(playerid, params[], help) {     if(!IsPlayerInVehicle(playerid, Player[playerid][PrivateVeh])) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "[ ! ] You are...
Try this. PHP код: new Float:gDealersSP[ 5 ][ 5 ] = {Line 475 = {1930.5126, -1776.1008, 19.1167, 13.5469, 270.7779},//done{1930.5126, -1776.1008, 19.1167, 13.5469, 270.7779},...
PHP код: COMMAND:banip(playerid, params[]){    new eReason [ 64 ], iReason[ 128 ], tmp[ 64 ], string[ 128 ];    if(sscanf(params, "ss", eReason, iReason)) return Send...
Quote: Originally Posted by KevinExec He didn't do shit lol, the code is the same. Icurse's Code: PHP код: enum pInfo  {      pPassword,      pCash,      pAdmi...
PHP код: public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid, cmdtext[], success)  {      if(!success) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "YOUR MESSAGE HERE");     return 1;  }  ...
Looking for a paid scripter? I'm providing my services here for only $1 or LESS! ($0.50). Don't miss this great offer and PM me as soon as you can! Note: I'm NOT scripting gamemodes since i'm busy a...
Quote: Originally Posted by KevinExec Could you give me steps because I don't understand how do I do that. If you don't knoe dini good, can you ****** it to see how would you open a file w...
You should have used SQLite for better and easy saving system. I'm not good at dini but you should open the player's file first and then extract all the informations.