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I do researchs and i find that that zone is tunde_iarba_zona[0] = GangZoneCreate(776.8536,-1220.4283, 734.6541,-1308.4094); from my script. i rewrite the code with Код: // gang zone new war_ZO...
on, i read it now tell me how can i use it for fill there fields? You wanna mean that to use save for saving position and above to fill the coordonate there?
i think that i don't understand... how can i use debug?
Hi all, today i want to create an gangzone system but i have this problem. i created the names of gangzones Код: // gang zone new GZ_ZONE1; new GZ_ZONE2; new GZ_ZONE3; new GZ_ZONE4; new GZ_Z...
ok i create this but how can i use? I want like on enter to show me one message on exit. Код: if(pickupid == factiune_yakuza_exit_i) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "Scrie ~r~/exit~...
Hi all, can i create pickup or textlabels or something to sing that in that place is something into an interior? I searching on other topics but i'm confused
Hi all i have these lines Код: panou_intrare = CreateDynamicObject(3715, 951.86047, -1103.10583, 32.05970, 0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000); SetDynamicObjectMaterial(panou_intrare, 0, 19341, "egg_...
oh.... yes i now see i have a verry hard day with 2 exams... i used lungime_ramasa for know how manny letter less without text , i mean that it is how manny letter less with text .... sorry my bad ...
Now works but i have a another question why all time lungime_ramasa is 102? Код: new lungime_text = strlen(text); new lungime_nume = strlen(nume_jucator); new lungime_titlu = strlen("Re...
hi everybody... i have this code: Код: CMD:anunt(playerid, params[]) { new text[128],anunt[128],nume_jucator[24]; GetPlayerName(playerid, nume_jucator, sizeof(nume_jucator)); if(sscanf(para...
I create some comand with zcmd, these was executed but i recieved "server unknown command" there is my command: Код: CMD:invita(playerid, params[]) { new jucator[MAX_PLAYERS]; new alerta_invit...
ok, ok ... but what means these error if i can tell that? i have these function declared in in include by pawno
create a column in database at users like "admin" and there put 0 for no, 1 for admin level 1, 2 for admin level 2 and in gamemode check users[admin].... or whatever, how you have
And now what means? The server running but how can affected me this? i have sscanf 2.8.1 by ******
I had this error but i have the functions.... look:
Код: if(GetVehicleModel(GetClosestVehicle(playerid, 10)) != 0) { ems[playerid] = 2; for(new i; i <= sizeof(masina_sport); i++) { if(GetVeh...